Productive mood (it'll wear off) ... ....


8th August 2020 (Saturday)   09.00 .... Another lovely start to what is

going to be another warm day.     I’ve been out for the paper and had a few stops on the way round;   I missed out the harbour and went to the lighthouse for a change of viewpoint.   The villages are busy... and the beach should be busy today.   I’ve had bike run and I’m now ready for morning coffee.    After that I’ll  re-pot a few cactus's.

21.00      I am a ‘happy and content boy’ tonight and should sleep like a log.    Not that I have done very much but I did re-pot the big cactus's that I wanted done (not an easy job);  now I need to break up a load of wee ones into individual pots.   That will be done tomorrow.   I also re-potted the Blue Fern that I got from Emily and John;  it is growing like the clappers and I thought it would be better in a bigger pot.    So I have been a reasonably busy boy today.

Sussex holiday maker!
Ferry Road has been busy with traffic most of the day;  some holiday makers leaving and some new ones arriving so I never went out on the bike again.   It has been a beautiful day and the beach was busy (I saw this on a video Alan put up on FB).... and will be busy again tomorrow:  Perhaps not so busy on Monday.  

 The wind backed to the Southeast in the afternoon so it was cooler but most folks have wind breaks erected to shelter them from the breeze.   The temperature reached 22c in Ivy garden.   It was 31c in Sunny Sussex .... and that was in the evening so it would be hotter during the day.

The ‘Sussex holiday maker’ is the caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk Moth:   Janice sent the photo this afternoon after finding it on the patio.... in Sunny Sussex (Uckfield).     We have had an Elephant Hawk Moth in Ivy garden, a few years ago, but they are not common in Scotland.     Global warming means they are moving North;   they are common in Sunny Sussex.    Janice wants to have a couple as pets.

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