London Registered boat fishing in Elie Bay ....

9th May 2016 (Monday)      I spent an hour watching the Gannets (sula bassana) diving in Elie Bay this morning... they are spectacular birds, and
London Registered boat in Elie Bay
occasionally dive close to the harbour, and you can hear the, kind of ‘zip... splash’, when they enter the water.   There was also a London registered boat dredging for cockles close in to the harbour;   Elie Harbour was an interesting place to be first thing this morning.    I’ll go down again, later in the morning, once I’ve had breakfast, and after I’ve done some ‘work’;   doing the work will make me feel less guilty about ‘playing’ with the camera.    Oh .... we have a lovely day here, bright, sunny and warm... though cooler in the East wind.
21.30      The London Registered boat, fishing in Elie Bay this morning, is from Leigh on Sea, Essex...a ‘suburb’ of Southend, on the mouth of the River Thames.    It belongs
Formerly the Elie Burgh building.
to a Company called “Fruits of the Sea”,  Harvesters and Processors of Shellfish since 1950.    They are a long way from their ‘home ground’ that’s for sure.  
The Gannets have been feeding all day in Elie Bay, ... a spectacular display, by these splendid looking birds .... and it’s ‘free’.    I will be down there tomorrow morning to see if I can get a decent photo.    I’m thinking the harbour might be the better viewpoint if we have a ‘bright and sunny’ day like today.
Jimmy came along in the afternoon, with his ‘wheeled’ walking aid in the car, so we went up to chapel Green to have a ‘trial run’... actually ‘trial ‘walk’ ... round to Chrissie Mills’ seat.    There’s no doubt about he can walk further, and easier, with the ‘aid.    It has a seat attached so he can take a rest .... which he might need to do going uphill!    Jimmy bought the ‘aid’ after he got his hip replacement op, but has managed to get along without using it,....  until now.    The problem is not with the new hip, but
Jimmy with his wheels
pain emanating from his back.
The ‘romantic’ corner is beginning to look ‘semi romantic’ ... progress was really good today;   the ‘broon’ bucket is three quarters full.    I took three bags of  stuff along to the Recycling Depot at Pittenweem.    Space has to be left in the ‘broon’ bucket for any kitchen waste that I might/will produce over the next 11 days.    The quantity of ‘waste’  depends on how successful my baking/ cooking is.   Sometimes it isn’t;  successful i.e.  
Tomorrow is forecast to me ‘bright and sunny’ apart from the threat of early morning fog/haar lingering on the North Sea coast.    That means Crail.... not this ‘Royal Burgh’.

Photographs : Top –  London Registered  (L02) “Revenge”, Middle – the former Elie Town Council HQ, and Bottom – Jimmy with his wheels. 

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