Cool and overcast ...

30th June 2023 (Friday)     07.30 .... I’m thinking that I should have gone out

on the bike at 05.30 , before the cloud started to move over from the West... as it has done.  It now looks like the ‘light rain’ mentioned in the weather forecast is going to be with us in the not too distant future.    I suppose it’s ‘sod’s law’;  I get my bike back so the weather changes.  At the moment it’s going to be a drawing day for me;  it isn’t actually raining, but the air is much cooler and  the sky doesn’t look very promising;  but it isn’t as cold as the 7C that the BBC weather app is showing... it’s 14C in Ivy garden.

11.30   I haven’t been able to get going this morning at all and relying on the morrrrrrning coffee caffeine boost getting me ‘fired up’.   The weather isnae doing very much.... it isnae even raining;  it’s just dull and not very encouraging.   The Tour de France starts tomorrow .... I’ll see if it’s on the tele (it usually is); all I have to do is find out which Channel.   I think I’ll go for the paper after the caffeine boost;  in the car.

12.30   The rain came on at 11.20 and cleared the air (and my heid);  I’ve been for the paper and milk;  now I am ready to go out to play.   But it’s raining so that’s a non starter: I’ll have a lite bite lunch then go out to The Hutte and draw.   

Much dampness.
20.00   Going out to The Hutte to work on the Kinneuchar kirk project was a good idea;  but there was a snag.    The rain pattering on the roof had a hypnotic effect;  in fact it had two effects;  I was either dropping off to sleep or becoming miserable;  I don’t do miserable so I fell asleep.  I woke after a short catnap and decided to abandon The Hutte and put the kettle on.   However The Hutte wasn’t a wasted mission;  I’d fitted the bag back on the bike carrier, and fixed the mirror. 

This has been a damp kind of day and, in the end, I looked for something to watch on the tele .... not something I usually do during the daytime.   I found an Agatha Christie ‘Poirot’ to watch,  but it was the very last one and ‘Poirot’ was dying;  I didn’t watch that.... I was looking for something cheerful.   There didn’t seem to be anything cheerful.... so the tele was switched off and I worked on the computer.  

21.45   The pollen count has been very low today!

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