Beautiful autumnal morrrrrrrrrrning ....

21st August 2024 (Wednesday)     09.00 .... We have a lovely autumnal start to Wednesday;  but

the KY9 the weather forecast mentions strong winds and rain in the afternoon.  Before that happens,  I might have a wander up to the seat at the 17 th to get a few photos for the blog.   Right now it's breakfast time.   Oh.... I'm feeling much brighter toady, and definitely not as tired as yesterday;  yesterday was something else as far as being tired went.   I really think that my brain was overloaded with all the info!   Anyway I'm feeling better today and should be back to near enough 'normal' tomorrow.  

19.00    Although we have had rain it hasn't stopped the 'troops' working on the garden;  weather permitting the plan is to finish off and tidy up tomorrow.   I am very happy with the patio.... and the handrail (I need a handrail nowadays).    I missed the 'troops' when they finished next door went off to work somewhere else.... and I'll miss them again when they finish tomorrow.   Gerry ('Rural Developments') said at the start of the job (as did the Architect) that they would reinstate the garden.... and this they most certainly have done.   Plus.... I had the bonus of chatting to the 'troops'  .... yes I am a very happy boy.   Thank you Gerry and the the 'team'!    I'll be 'lonely' again after tomorrow ..... but I have loads of photographs to browse over.   I'll put up a couple of photos of the finished patio etc. tomorrow!   I'm sure you will like it.

22.00    It was spittin' rain when I was oot at the bucket a few minutes ago... and there's a bit of a breeze:   however I think the rain is forecast to move away by dawn to leave us with showers;  and sunny spells!    Tomorrow will be another quiet day;  and I won't need to bother about food as we're having lunch at the 19th.   I am chuffed tae bits with the new garden.... and looking forward to the weather improving so that I can have morrrrrrrrrrrrrning coffee outside!

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