Windy with squally showers

23rd May 2020 (Saturday)     06.30 ....  My word we have had one wild
Windy with rain now and again - not pleasant;  but interesting.
night and it’s even going to be wilder for most of today;   with the wind finally slackening off later in the afternoon.   For some reason Braemar, one of the cruise ships moored off Aberlady Bay, sailed out of the Firth yesterday evening and is now “12 NM out of the Firth of Forth” East of May Island.   Strange  manoeuvre.    It has been wild overnight and we now have rain blowing through in the wind ;
  the wind is F8 in Largo Bay just now, so not a nice morning at all. 
not a pleasant morning at all.    I should get all the computer work finished today.

08.00    Bad hair day?..... it’s worse than that;  even my eyebrows are  lookin’ wild.    I could trim them though.... that’s another wee job for today.   I’ve been for the paper and gave the car a wee run home via Kinneuchar so that’s me in Ivy for the remainder of the day:  having said that the wind is supposed to moderate in the evening so I might get out on the bike then.     If the rain peters out I might take a walk up the street and
Fresh green leaves all over the road.
back home by way of the bents after breakfast ...... and a cuppa. 

10.00     Jings I keep falling asleep in front of the computer so I’m going to have a ‘kip’:   the gale kept waking me up overnight and the lack of sleep is catching up with me now (I was ‘up’ at my usual time ... 05.30), however I’m wasting my time trying to do stuff on the computer when tired., ‘cos I can’t concentrate.   I’ll see what’s on Channel 81 ..... and most likely fall asleep watching whatever I do find.

13.00    ‘The Boy’ (that’s me) has just surfaced after nearly two hours deep sleep on top on the bed in the computer room;   I must have been tired right enough.    The weather has improved in the time I’ve been asleep:   we have sunny spells and the wind seems to have decreased .... though not by much.   The ‘plan’ is to have a cuppa then go for that short walk I promised myself. 
18.30    The walk I had in the afternoon was shorter than I meant it to be .... it started to spit rain.   We’ve had sunny spells in the afternoon but the wind has been round about F7-8 most of the time with clouds scuttling over that sometimes gave us rain.
I haven’t done much today;  I am not keen on strong winds such as we’ve had for the past 36 hours.... they stress me out.    Thankfully the wind should begin to moderate soon and be back a more normal strength tomorrow.

I happened to watch a bit of the Coronavirus Update this afternoon and was appalled
Elie Bay this afternoon.
to see how the government defended the ... oh I forget his name but he looks like Gollum.... the latest ‘setter of rools’ who broke them.   You have to give politicians credit for one thing .... they don’t teach by example.    I normally don’t watch the daily update because it’s just political ‘spin’;   thought up by people like ‘Gollum’.    Cummings... that’s his name.... Dominic Cummings.   That’s the moan over;  I feel better now.   You now known why I don’t watch the update;  choosing instead to read my paper (Scotsman) and browse a few sites online.  

Tomorrow I am looking forward to biking along for the paper... and coming home via Elie Estate.

20.00    I have been watching 13 minute video taken on Dumbarnie Links golf course;  my word I can see that being one popular course.   To think that before myxomatosis it was one huge rabbit warren;  it will be a challenging course even for the pro’s... especially when the wind gets up a bit.

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