Early morning frost ....

13th May 2020 (Wednesday)     06.30 .... The temperature is only
1975-76 Land Rover Defender.
1c in the garden this morning.... and there’s a brisk breeze so it feels like -2c;   I’ll let the sun get up a bit before going for the paper(s) this morning.    IT looks like we are going to have a bonnie day but cool in the wind.   I’m having a quiet day in the garden;  not necessarily working ... . looking at green things is the sort of ‘plan’ I have in mind;  that, drinking a few cuppas and doing Soduko’s in the Hutte.   yes I’m having  rest day today.  There is one bush .... no...  it will still be there tomorrow.

08.00     It is a beautiful morning and, once the temperature rises (though it’s not forecast to rise very far ...with a high of 9c mentioned) it will be a nice day for being out in the fresh air.   I took the car to go for the paper (and a punnet of strawberries) and will go out on the bike later in the day. 

12.30     Mmmmm .... I have been a super active boy this morrrrning:  I did some ‘ooverin’ and dustin’, and did a woollen wash (which included my snood).   The snood is going to be used as a mask when in shops etc. .... this is necessary now as it appears that the border (with England) has moved to somewhere north of Elie and Earlsferry ....  going by the construction noises I hear when sitting in the Hutte.    The ‘rools’ for England  changed this morning and construction workers were encouraged to return to work (with safeguards(?)..... but not yet in Scotland.    We live in dangerous times.

'The Terrace' - Elie.
It will be interesting to see if COVID-19 cases start to increase in London in the next week or so;  going by the pictures of crowded tube trains and buses it shouldn’t surprise anybody if they did.

I have yet to go out for some exercise having been so active in Ivy.... but ‘plan’ to do that in the afternoon.    The bike battery isn’t full so I can’t go up to Balcarres or anything like that.

20.30     I had a grand peddle round the villages... and Elie Estate this afternoon; on what was a cloudy and therefore cold afternoon.    I was surprised at how the bike battery lasted .... it still had two bars (2/5ths) on it when I got back to Ivy.   I saw Eva, Irene and Ken up at Chapel Green but I didn’t linger long as the clouds were
Earlsferry from the Breakwater.
beginning to look threatening.   Having said that;  we didn’t get any rain .... and I can’t see Maggie’s seat from the third tee.   I saw Sally up in Elie Estate but didn’t realise it was her until I had passed;  I can’t do quick turns on this bike, but I suspect it's me that's the problem not the bike.
The weather is supposed to be warmer tomorrow with the wind backing to the West.   I ‘plan’ to do a bit more in the garden and the greenhouse before going out for a spell of exercise in the afternoon.

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