Breezy ....

16th May 2020 (Saturday)     07.30 ....  “Sunny intervals with a fresh
Elie Estate.
westerly breeze” is the KY9 forecast for today;   it’s actually going to be F4 -5 (its F5 in Largo Bay at present) fairly windy but not a wintry feeling wind.    I  have yet to go for the paper;  I plan to do that in the middle of the morning.      The sky is overcast just now but rain isn’t in the forecast and, as I’m feeling in a positive and creative mood,.... I have a washing in the machine.  There’s certainly a good drying wind.

Platform ‘Deepsea Aberdeen’ (which departed Largo Bay yesterday evening) is out in the North Sea making for Aberdeen.... and .... cruise ship Balmoral is also in the North Sea, heading south.    There’s also a whole fleet of tankers off Dunbar  (Dunbar Anchorage).... waiting to go into Hound Point mostly.

19.00    I’ve had a busy day....but forgot to get my paper.   I went up to Elie in the car later than I’d normally do because I needed to get a new set of kitchen scales.... and I also got elastic to finish off the mask.   I’d spent most of the morning looking for elastic in Maggie’s sewing stuff but didn’t find any.   She will have it somewhere.    At least I can finish the mask now:   and, having thought about it, I know how I am going to do that.   That job will be done tomorrow now that I have all the necessary bits.   There was a queue outside the ‘paper shop’ when I was finished at Neil’s so I decided that I’d get my paper on the way home from my exercise run on the bike.   So, when I came out of Elie Estate I went down to the harbour then home by way of The Terrace totally forgetting about the paper.

I had a good long run on the bike;  Kinneuchar, Elie Estate and our ‘wee villages’.
Kincraig Cliffs.
    The sky was full of cotton wool type clouds and they always enhance a photograph;  wherever I looked I saw another photograph so I am a happy boy tonight.
The roads are noticeably busier now .... probably ‘cos it’s the weekend.   I know they shouldn’t be busier but they are.

Although it has been windy today it hasn’t been cold... and it’s going to be warmer tomorrow.   My ‘Master Plan’ is to go for my paper at my usual time have a circumnavigate of the villages, then finish off the mask.   There will be a small amount of sewing to do but I can manage that.... and I have multitudes of thread, of all colours, having found two boxed of sewing kit... neither of which had elastic in them.

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