Peaceful morning ....

3rd May 2020 (Sunday)   06.30 .... It is a bonnie looking morning;  oh the
Elie Bay this morning.
sky is mostly overcast (as per weather forecast) but it’s interestingly overcast.... yes I’m liking this morning, even with a moderate easterly breeze.   I’ll get out on the bike later... after I have been to Ardross Farm to pick up my food order;  I need to take the car for the paper as i need milk... and something else but I’ve forgotten what the other thing was.    Oh ... the paper.

07.30    I’ve been for the paper (and milk) so I can now settle down to have breakfast and have a quick browse through the paper.    The sky looks like we could get s few showers but showers aren’t mentioned in the forecast.

I see that we have another boat ‘parked’ in the Firth  (Aberlady Bay):  it’s a  RO-RO Dover ferry the ‘Pride of Canterbury’.... so we now have four cruise liners and one ferry.   I’m sure that Maggie and I crossed (the Channel) on this ferry when we were
Kinneuchar kirk from the Colinsburgh road.
going to Austria.  Five months ago everything was poodling along as per normal.... now we l have to get used to a new ‘normal’ both physical and economic.    Coming to terms with this change is going to take a long time.... this is not a game on the computer;  even all the assault rifles in the USA “ain’t gonna fix this”.... this is real.

19.30     I had a braw run out on the bike;   up to the Balmakin junction where I went left into Balcarres Estate along the Balcarres road then down the Double Dykes and home via Colinsburgh and Kinneuchar,  a distance of 13.36 kilometres (8.3 miles).   I had thought of going up to Rires but the clouds were beginning to look threatening and the temperature had dropped.   I enjoyed that run and I was well ready for a cuppa when I got back home.   The remainder of the day was spent resting in the Hutte before making Shepherd’s pies for the freezer.   Tomorrow I will make Cottage pies.

It will be interesting to hear what the Government comes up with their plan  to slacken
Balcarres Estate.
off the self isolation ‘rools’ and get the country back to work.   The main worry for them is doing it too soon and starting another upward curve:  so it’s unlikely much will change ... especially for older people.   Ye Gods .... that includes me.   Actually I would be quite happy for our streets to remain quiet;  likewise the golf course:   the world seems quieter and mair peaceful.... and even greener.   Less fumes.   It’s a pity it’s taken a killer virus to give the planet a rest from the incessant damage caused by human activity.

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