Clap for Carers ....

21st May 2020 (Thursday)     10.00....I’ve been round the villages and
Peaceful morning.... even the turbines are content.
bought my paper (and Private Eye), so now I am ready for morning coffee....  and a browse of the papers.   The bike battery is on charge and, if the weather is fine in the afternoon I might go for another bumble around. 
 We’ve had a bonnie morning but I could see heavy showers clouds towards the West of Fife and Edinburgh so I guess there’s a chance we could catch the edge of one.   I think the showers are forecast to peter out by the afternoon.  Orf to make a mug of coffee.

18.00    The heavy showers never touched us but there was one as near as Leven;   I know this ‘cos my niece Lesley got ‘drookit’ when out on her exercise walk.   I charged the bike battery up but didn’t go out on it as I ended up filling the ‘broon’ bucket with garden trimmings.   Actually I’ve
Elie Bay.
been a busy boy;  this surprised me because I intended this being a rest day.    Had I looked at the weather forecast I’d have made Friday and Saturday both ‘rest days’:  strong winds with showers on Friday and stronger winds with more persistent rain on Saturday is the forecast for our area.    I hope to get the bike out first thing tomorrow morning;  the wind is due to freshen from mid morning.

The cruise ship ‘Black Watch’ is sailing out of the Firth just now;  making for Newcastle.   I wonder if there will be any cruise holidays this year at all?    A  cruise holiday doesn’t appear to be the best idea as long as this Coronavirus is active. 

The North Sea has had a big thunder storm bumbling its way up from the South of England  towards Norway all afternoon;  that explains the migraine that came 'right out of the blue' in mid afternoon.

The ‘Clap for Carers’ has been well supported in ‘The Royal Burgh’ every
Felix and Hamish.
Thursday evening.... it has been really good to see Earlsferry ‘come alive’ as it does for this weekly event.    Thanks  are due to our  two young pipers, Felix and Hamish, who piped their way half way up the High Street and back again;  it was a really moving tribute to Carers all over the UK.... and Planet Earth... who have done so much to help those in need;  and continue to do so.   ‘Thank You’ Felix and Hamish you were excellent.... a well supported by  the 'clappers'. 

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