Balcarres Estate ....

20th May 2020 (Wednesday)      09.30 .... it’s  not a ‘wall to wall’ blue sky
Arthur's Seat (Edinburgh) from Elie Harbour.
but it isn’t far off it;   it looks like we could be in for a ‘sunny and warm’ day.... so, apply the sun cream  and let’s all enjoy the sun.   I’ve been to the ‘paper shop’ and the harbour:  at that time our side of the Firth was well overcast, with the sun shining brightly along the south side and Edinburgh.      There’s an old saying that goes .... “a clear sooth drooned the plooman” ....  meaning there’s a ‘chance of precipitation’ in the next 24 hours.  In Bonnie Scotland that may well be the case. 

My ‘plan’ is to have ‘morning coffee’ then get the bike out;  I haven’t finally decided where to go yet but have the desire to aim for Balcarres.    I’m off to find the sun cream.   Miranda (camera in case you have forgotten) has been emptied, cleaned, and has food (a set of fully charged batteries) in the bike bag.   There's also snack bars and water for me.   Orf to switch the kettle 'on' for morning coffee.   'Slight flap on'  mode in operation.

East Lodge - Balcarres.
18.30    My word ‘The Boy’ (that’s me) will sleep well tonight:  I went to Balcarres on the bike and did 16.3 Kilometres (10.1 miles) there and back.   Its 2.5 miles to Colinsburgh (and the same on the way back) so I did the other five miles around the Estate.    I met Robbie Bell working with sheep and it’s only now I realise that he is Pat Bell’s son.   I blame auld age  for me not thinking of that when I was talking to him.   Robbie told me he was Bob Bell’s grandson but I didn’t get the connection until he’d gone off to pick up his dog.

I have had a brilliantly relaxing day.... just the kind of day I need at this worrisome time.   The trees on the estate are always their best at this time of year;  the fresh green, of different shades, sort of swallowed my up .... as was the sound of the Den Burn when I sat down to have a break at the sawmill nearly had me falling asleep.   I
South Wynd - Colinsburgh.
saw Peacocks, Tortoiseshell and Orange Tip butterflies  on my way through the estate .... especially at the sunny places in the den.    Yes this has been a very enjoyable day.    Tomorrow I must do the same ... er .. some ‘work’.... before I go to Chapel Green to visit ‘The Boss’.     Miranda (camera) is also tired after taking 156 photographs on the trip.

21.00    Tomorrow looks like being another bonnie day.... warm and sunny though it may be cloudier.   I will be having a rest day.... in fact I’ll finish ‘the mask’:  that a mission has been dormant for the past couple of days.   Right now I will make a hot chocolate and have an early night in bed.

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