Bad hair day.....

19th May 2020 (Tuesday)     09.00 .... we have rather damp morning...
Damp looking Earlsferry High Street.
everything is hinging wi’ water though it isn’t actually raining.    I didn’t go up for the paper earlier, (though I was up) choosing to pick it, the paper, up when the sun breaks through later in the morning.   The Ferry High street is wearing has a ‘bad hair day’ look this morning.... and so is the garden.   But not me.

19.00     We have had another bonnie day... and for me a busy one.   I went for the paper after Myra phoned (10.30) his morning (Myra checks that ‘her boys’ are alright every morning).   I was on the bike then remembered that I needed milk, but discovered that I can carry a 2 litre container ‘nae bother’ in the bike carrier.   I was planning to make macaroni cheese which is why the milk was vital.    In fact I started on the macaroni cheese as soon as I got back home.   I ended up with three meals for the freezer.... having devoured one for lunch, putting one in the fridge for tomorrow and three for the freezer.   I then had a  a short walk on the beach.... followed by a long ‘50’ in the Hutte.

I semi watched a film with Tommy Steele in it in the afternoon but eventually gave up and went out on the bike for bumble up to Chapel Green and out to the 11th tee.   
Elie Bay this morning.
Margaret (Lambie) was out that way for her exercise walk so we had a long chat.   I was saying to her that all the ladies are looking very school girlish with their long hair;    who needs hair stylists!

21.30     I feel in the mood for some kind of ‘adventure’;  just a small one.... like going to Balcarres on the bike.   The bike has a fully charged battery and the weather forecast is good for tomorrow and Thursday.   I’ll see how I feel and how the weather actually is.   Balcarres will be looking beautiful with fresh greens everywhere.  

On my way back from Chapel Green I met Barbara and Alistair on their way home
Bunker by the 11th green.
from their exercise walk.... this is the first time seeing them since the lockdown thing began.   They are both looking well with all the exercising but missing the social aspect of the ‘old normal’;  and not very sure as to what the ‘new normal’ might turn out to be.    I’ve talked to lots of folk today so I am a contented boy tonight.    

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