Back to GMT ..... this means I remembered to change the clocks

30th October 2016 (Sunday) .... 09.30    Wellll .... I took advantage of the ‘extra hour’ in bed, hoping that I’d waken up to a bright and sunny day.... but nope: 
KIlconquhar Church - lit by the setting sun.
we have a drab looking, ‘grey and damp’ start to the day, however it does looks like it could brighten up by midday.    Right now we have light rain.... but it is warm .... for the time of year.     The amazing thing is that I remembered to change the clocks last night;  usually I, inadvertently, work on ‘Ivy Cottage’ time for a couple of days.    In “Ivy Cottage” time days don’t have names... they are just, daylight... and not daylight! 

Balcarres Estate - Colinsburgh.
   21.00     It has been a ‘nae bad’ day as far as the weather went;  the early light rain meandered orf to annoy someone else, and we ended up with ‘sunny spells’.   Jimmy and I went along to Leven in the morning for a cuppa in Sainsbury’s but it was ‘mobbed’;   I’ve never seen Sainsbury’s cafe as busy as it was today.   We decided to skip the cuppa, and  have one back at Ivy;  we’d bought ‘goodies’ in Lidl’s in the event of Sainsbury’s being busy.   That could also be said of the traffic, we met heading West when we were travelling back to ‘The Royal Burgh’..... it was mostly ‘nose to tail’ all the way.    I guess they were holiday makers on their way home after a couple of weeks...   either in, or in close proximity to ... “The Centre of the Universe”.   

In the late afternoon I set off, in the car, to go up to Balcarres to have a look at the trees in their autumn colours.     On the way I stopped at Kinneuchar Kirk to see if Skipper’s stone is in place, and have a daunder out to the Quiet Garden to have a look at the loch;   Bob arrived so we chatted, and enjoyed the peaceful setting.    I’d forgotten that we’d changed the clocks last night so
Balcarres Estate.
it was in fact later than I thought by the time I got up to Balcarres, and the sun was setting fast.    Nevertheless I enjoyed a walk around the ‘Chapel’ before the light faded too much.    There was a bonnie sunset on the way home, but I didn’t have the Canon (camera) with me;  I can operate it in difficult light conditions.

It looks like we’re going to have bonnier weather tomorrow, for most of the daylight hours anyway.    Rain is forecast for late afternoon and the evening.... so ‘out and about’ early for this boy I’m thinkin’.  

Photographs : Top – setting sun light on the Kirk at Kinneuchar, Middle and Bottom – Balcarres Estate.

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