
Showing posts from September, 2024

Overcast with drizzle ....

20th September 2024 (Friday)    08.30 .... All the Fife weather cams are showing low cloud with drizzle, but the sky should lighten up a bit and the drizzle fade away; the forecast is light cloud with a moderate ENE breeze.   Not a play day just now, but I'm feeling positive and thinkin'  of "sunny spells" later;  though the West is the place to be today.  Perth.... West Australia comes to mind! 12.00   The drizzle has stopped and there are brighter patches starting to appear in the sky; hopefully the sun will break through to give us some sunny spells. Jimmy (Jems) was right re the 'hurdy gurdy';  it takes the strain off the knee.... and the seat is useful.   I had a short sortie up to the phone box, and might have a longer 'walk' after lunch, even though it isn't a 'play' day.   15.30    I didn't go out again with the hurdy gurdy;  the sunny spells that I was looking or never came so I did some 'ousework, including a washing that

Cloudy ....

19th September 2024 (Thursday)    08.15 .... Hmmmm .... it' s cloudy with a cold wind this  morning, but the weather forecast is reasonable;  "sunny intervals with an Easterly breeze".    It will be cool on the beach, or anywhere exposed to the wind.  I'm going to visit Alice and will be warm in the car!    We're going to visit one of Alice's friends who is in the Scoonie Care Home and care homes are always warm.  This is going to be a 'rest' day. 21.00     We had a lovely day after the sun broke through;  it was sunny and warm as long as you were out of the NE  wind. As planned I went to Methil to visit Alice, had a a bit of Fruit Loaf that Alice had baked.  Alice is a goof baker but, like most bakers is always critical of her own baking.  Anyway the Fruit Loaf is very tasty.... and will disappear rapidly! Having had our cuppa and scoffed a bit of Fruit Loaf, we then went to visit Irene in the Care Home before lunchtime.   Irene is a lovely lady, wi

Sunny and warm.....

18th September 2024 (Wednesday)     09.00 .... We have another lovely, warm  sunny morning; Partial eclipse maximum at 03.44. there's only a smirr o' a breeze at the moment but the wind is to freshen and back to the SE, so it won't be quite as warm as it was yesterday.   With the wind changing direction we might get haar coming in off the sea in the afternoon.    This is going to be a rest day for me;  I was 'up' at 03.15 to see the partial eclipse, so I'm going to relax and enjoy the sunshine.  It's the Colinsburgh Friendship Lunch today, and Myra is picking me up at 12.15. I don't have to bother much about food;  a sandwich or something like that for dinner.  20.30    With the breeze coming off the North Sea it has been cooler today;  that said it was hot when sheltered from the breeze.   Myra picked e up at 12.15 as planned  and we had a quiet run up to Colinsburgh, arriving with time to spare.   There was a good turnout for lunch (William 'T'

Sunny and warm ....

17th September 2024 (Tuesday)     08.30 .... The thermometer is at 12C.... and and is forecast to Oops ... er... tea break time! hit 20C in the afternoon.    I am feeling in a 'working' mood so I'll finish the shed today it need two coats.... and have daunder to the beach between coats.   It's a perfect morning for doing things.... including having morning coffee outside.  It's a 'Flap On' morning!    20.30    My word.... I almost had to unearth the sun cream this afternoon!   The temperature reached 22C (shade) so it has been a really lovely day;  and I have busy.   Actually 'busy' maybe isn't the word.... although I did 'work' now and again.....intermittently, a bit like the sunny spells we sometimes get!   Anyway I pottered around with the shed most of the day, and enjoyed sitting outside having my cuppas.   Having looked at the 'action' shots I took today, I see that the cup figures in most of them!    It's the 'Harve

Calm sunny .....

16th September 2024 (Monday)     09.00 .... Ferry Road was really quiet when I went out this morning;  Nothing;  no cars, joggers, dog walkers.   The only noise was 'Blob' twittering away on top of the Rowan tree.   We have a new robin, more than likely one of the previous Blob's brood from the summer.   Robin's only live for 2 -3 years in the wild and the last one was with us for 5 years at least.  Then again he/she wisnae very 'wild'!   The 'new' Blob' is already settling down... and claiming most of this end of Earlsferry! 20.30    I wouldn't say that I've been busy today, but I certainly have enjoyed the warm sunshine.   Bob (Ann's Personal Assistant) and I sat and chatted  round the back (patio).   I should have made us coffee but but Bob was busy telling me how he couldn't hang around as he had to make Ann's lunch.   He spoils that girl!    I went up to the Pony Field for my morning daunder .... so a change of scenery for t

Sunny intervals .....

15th September 2024 (Sunday)    08.30 .... We have a bonnie, fresh morning.   There's a lot of Skiff 'Sea Queen'. cloud about just now (in fact it looks like it could rain), but the KY9 forecast is "sunny intervals with a moderate SW breeze".  I have a washing going through the machine so it won't rain!    19.30    The showers missed us and the washing dried  so I'm happy.  I went for the paper after breakfast (and after hanging out the washing) and had a trip to the harbour.   I don't know what was 'on' last night but the Toft, and the harbour Car Park, were almost choc a bloc with cars this morrrrrrrrrning.   The skiffs were going out, and Tom was out at his creels but apart from that the water was quiet.    The skiffs always look good on the water;  they were a wee bit distant from me at the harbour:  I'd have been better down on the bents, but I am happy with what I got. I remembered to stop at the 'Paper Shop' on the way to th

Quiet morning....

14th September 2024 (Saturday)     10.00 .... I was hoping for mair blue in the sky this morning, Former Williamsburgh School. but at the moment we have cloud with occasional spells of drizzle..... but, the sun is trying hard to break through so we should have sunny spells later.... and it's warmer!  It's a pleasant enough morning, but I don't think the shed will get much attention today (chance of showers).   I'm going for a short walk after morrrrrrning coffee;  it will probably be the beach again, because there could be an interesting sky.   20.30    This has been a strange day:  the sun broke through a couple of times but not for long.   I ended up pottering around Ivy.... mostly getting stuff ready for drawing, watching some TV and working in the kitchen.   I never went for a walk;  for some reason I fancied sausages and mash and set about making that.   I had a bag o' those wee tautties and they are fiddly to scrape and pick the eyes out of.  That took almost

Lovely morning ....

13th September 2024 (Friday)     08.15 .... It's a beautiful morning, sunny with only a light breeze.  The garden thermometer is at 5C.   A bonnie morning for doing the Coastal Path.... or painting a shed!    I have only been as far as the gate (bringing in the bucket), but the NW breeze is cool, so the shed painting will happen when the temperature is..... at 24C!   20.30    Although a nice enough day, the temperature didn't quite get up to 24C .... so the shed only got one coat before the clouds had a threatening look about them, and I put the paint away.   I don't think we had any showers.... at least not when I was out.  After lunch I went for a wander to the beach.   This is becoming a habit, so I might try a change in direction  tomorrow;  and that would give us a change of scenery.   That's one thing about living where we do, there's always bonnie scenery .... in every direction. Anyway I like sitting on the seats and.... and enjoy being in such a peaceful a

Peaceful morning .....

12th September 2024 (Thursday)    08.15 ..... at the moment the sky is mostly cloudy, but the weather forecast is .... "sunny intervals with a moderate Northwesterly breeze".... and it's going to be cold for this time of year.    I intend finishing painting the shed today, but.... only if it's warm!   I'll have a walk to  the beach after breakfast then think about painting.    This cold weather has me sharpening pencils and contemplating winter activities.  I have one drawing to do for my 'Kinneuchar Kirk Project';  the pre Reformation church that was demolished to make way for the present building.   This will be based on the drawings/sketches by the Rev Sime of Edinburgh. 12.00    I've been for my walk (beach) and got a batch of photos to play with later.    Alistair (Graham) came along walking the dog, and with his camera, so we chatted for a while.   I should have asked Alistair the dog's name, but I didn't, so she will hereafter be 't

Lovely, fresh morning .....

11th September 2024 (Wednesday)    09.00 .... It's a lovely morning, but there's a chilly air:  'sunny intervals with a moderate breeze' is the forecast, with a chance of light showers.   I might get the south side of the shed painted today;  it should be warm, once the sun is higher, and sheltered from the wind.   The temperature (out in the open) is going to be disappointing for this time of year! 21.00    A couple doing the Coastal Walk to Leven.   It has been a brilliant day for doing the 'Walk', and a lot of people were taking advantage of the sunny day.   There was a cold Northwesterly so jackets were necessary at times.   I contemplated doing the south side of the shed but it was too cold.... so I did the ironing.  Much warmer! After lunch I went up to visit Brian, Moira and Morven (my Secretary) at Erncroach.  I found out that Kate (Bousie) is in in the Scoonie Care Home.... the same one as Alice's friend Christina!     Kate used to work at the '

Bright and breezy ....

10th September 2024 (Tuesday)    08.15 .... There's a load o' fresh air around this 'bright and breezy' autumnal  morning, but the rain has cleared away.  The wind should freshen in the morning then moderate in the afternoon;  a good drying day, but a bit breezy for morning coffee outside.   Anyway I need to go to Leven first thing, but apart for that, this is going to be a 'rest day'. 19.00    It has been a beautiful day;  a bit breezy perhaps, but that made it a brilliant drying day.   I did a washing. My trip to Leven was a success (I got all the bits and pieces I wanted).... and had morrrrrrning coffee with Alice.    Back at Ivy I did the aforementioned washing then had a 'lite bite' lunch.   I intended doing some work on the wee shed, but fell asleep.   I must have been tired because I slept for over an hour.  I wasn't in ta working mood  when I woke up; so I had a cuppa then went for a walk to the beach. The beach was busy which was a surpris

Quiet, autumnal morning ....

9th September 2024 (Monday)     "Happy Lilacs Wedding Anniwersary"  to 'The Boss'.   I hope to have have morning coffee at chapel Green on our 63rd anniversary.... if sun breaks through and the temperature rises a bit!   And.... "Happy 63rd ... oops... Birthday" to Mirabel, formerly of the Craw's Nest.... who was born on our wedding day. 08.30 .... it's a bonnie, peaceful, autumnal morning;  at the moment it's a chilly autumnal morning but, once the sun breaks through the light cloud, it should be pleasantly warm .... well, a bit warmer!   I'm looking for an Indian Summer now!    16.15    I have had a quiet day  after the exciting day we had yesterday.   Today I caught up with some paperwork that had to be done;  car Road Tax etc.   The car is  due it's MOT on 4th October so  that will have to be organised in the next few days.... and renew the Insurance. It has been too cold for morrrrrrrning coffee Chapel Green but it was cosy on the

Fog with drizzle ....

8th September 2024 (Sunday)     08.00 .... It foggy and wet..... not a pretty tart to Sunday.   The weather forecast is "light rain with a gentle breeze from the NE",.....  we should get a few sunny spells later in the afternoon.   I won't be havin morrrrrrrrrning coffee on the patio!    The village is quiet, which isn't surprising, considering the kind of weather it is;  but usually, at least a couple of joggers patter up (or down) Ferry Road regardless of the weather.   None of the Fife Weather cams look promising just now.... even the Lochgelly one which is furthest West. 20.30    I have just ... no, correction;  Alice and I have just spent 5 hours in company of Ian (Johnston), on holiday from Australia, that included a few hours with me: talking about Elie and Earlsferry, of the 1940's and the Polish soldiers stationed here.   We also had  walk round Chapel Green where Ian enthralled us, and a visitor out for a walk, with his memories of those days.   Unfortu

Foggy ....

7th September 2024 (Saturday)     08.00 ....  We have a foggy, and damp, start to Saturday, but sunny spell are forecast for the afternoon.   All the Fife Weather cams are showing heavy fog at present, with no promising breaks in the sky.   I'm going to wander up to the seat at the 17th after breakfast to (hopefully) get a few photographs!    Hopefully with golfers in them! 10.30    I was a bit early for golfers.... in fact not only were the golfers missing, so were dog walkers..... and joggers!    I got a few photos then, as I was making my way back home, the golfers began to go to the Clubhouse.    I'll go up to the 17th in the evening.... and catch the sunset.  In the meantime I'm tidying up the wee patio shed..... before morrrrrrning coffee. 22.30    The sun broke through just before midday and we had a warm and sunny afternoon;  then thick fog rolled in.   I went up to the golf course to get photos of the golfers marching to the Clubhouse but was in the wrong place to

Misty ....

6th September 2024 (Friday)     08.30 ....At the moment we have a misty morning, but the Colinsburgh Kirk. forecast for KY9 is "sunny with a moderate NE breeze (F3 -4)".    The Fife Weather cams are showing heavy mist/fog;  hopefully the sun will break through sooner rather than later!    In spite of the wind chill factor..... the sun is hot at this time of year and we should have a 'sunny and warm' day.   I'm a  'happy boy'. 20.00    My word..... I have had a busy day.    The Tour of Britain Cycle Race is on TV as is the Paralympics;  between biking, playing tennis and swimming I am well tired tonight!    And the Paralympics is still on.   In between all that I did some 'ousework;  sort of tidied up the 'man cave' .... while watching the TV.   I went for the paper in the morning   and I have yet to open it.   I suppose it  could be my bedtime reading.    Ho it won't!   Kirsty dropped a Donna Leon book through the door sometime today;  th

Lovely, autumn morning ....

5th September 2024 (Thursday)     08.45 .... we have a beautiful sunny morning, with light breeze from the Northeast so it is chilly out in the open.   I'm going to have a quiet day.   I'll clean the wee bedroom window (the one I painted),  inside and out, then have a look at the front windows;  but this is mostly going to be a pottering about day.  It will be sheltered out in the patio so I might have morrrrrrrrning coffee outside. 09.45   The wind has freshened, the sky has clouded over; the combination of the wind and cloud means that  morrrrrning coffee will not be taken outside today!   In fact I won't be venturing far beyond the gate.  This might be a, "rin roond wi' the 'oover, flick the spiders around wi' the feather duster", and watch the Paralympics most of day!   Happy me.    Although its to be cloudy today, rain is not mentioned in the weather forecast. 20.15    Welll .... it has been a mostly grey kind o' day, but at least it was dry

Nice autumnal morning .....

4th September 2024 (Wednesday)     08.30 .... It's a bonnie autumn  morning;  there's a chance of light showers later, but they are part of what is going to be a beautiful day.   Showers  mean interesting clouds for the camera!   I intend painting the window once the sun is higher, and warmer..... and hoping that the showers miss us. 16.45    I missed the Friendship Lunch;  but the window has been glossed so I am happy.  It has been the perfect day for painting and the window is dry so any showers that may come our way won't spoil it.   Although I saw a few decent showers clouds they were well away from us.  I finished painting  just before 13.00;  just to late to go up to the Kirk Hall... so I made a salad type lunch, and had some of Shona's stewed plums for sweet.    The Paralympic Time Trial cycling was on TV in the afternoon, so I watched that  ... with the occasional catnap.   Anyway I'm glad the window is finished..... all I have to do is clean the glass.   T

Bright and breezy .....

3rd September 2024 (Tuesday)   08.15 .... It's a beautiful morning.... sunny with a cool Westerly breeze.    It will feel 'cauld roond the lugs' after I have my haircut at 09.30....  I'm hoping the air will be warmer by then! Anyway the miserable weather we had yesterday has gone, and we can enjoy the sunshine.... and take a few photographs!   I'll undercoat the window .... and hopefully finish it tomorrow! 21.00    Between undercoating the window and getting the gloss sorted for tomorrow,  I've had an enjoyable and satisfying day.  And I watched the Paralympics in between, so it has been relaxing.   I mentioned getting the gloss sorted for tomorrow, but the forecast is 'light showers' for KY9. The gloss takes longer to dry.   The light showers might be around, but not over us so there's a slight chance I might get the window glossed;  depends on how the weather looks. Although there has been a chilly breeze my lugs haven't been cauld!     Oh I&

Misty .... and wet

2nd September 2024 (Monday)     09.15 .... There's been some rain overnight but most of the Elie this morrrrrrning. thunderstorms were out at sea off Crail;  the nearest lightning overnight strike was Kinneuchar direction.  The Yellow warning (for thunder) is active until midnight tonight, but the UK has no thunderstorms at this time.   The sky is heavily overcast and 'light rain showers with a gentle breeze', mixed with sunny spells is forecast for KY9.   There's no sign of sunny spells on any of the Fife Weather cams at present! Everything was quiet when I went out to see what was happening;  not a single dog walker, nor jogger in sight!   I've devoured breakfast (I was hungry).... I'm thinkin' a mug of coffee is what I need now! 20.00     The Fife Weather cams are still showing overcast grey and wet looking, so the sunny spells must have been a figment o' my imagination.... or hope!    The thunderstorms went up the North Sea and are now North East o

Nice quiet morning .....

1st September 2024 (Sunday)     09.00 .... The sky is a mix of cloud and blue bits;  a bonnie, peaceful morning and a good morning to paint the window.   I had planned to visit Alice today,  but she is feeling 'under the weather' so I'll visit her later in the week.  Right now I'm going to have breakfast.... and a mug o' coffee to get me fired up, before going for the paper.    11.45   The window has been undercoated so, if the rain comes it is watertight.   It will get another undercoat then a final coat of Gloss.... the weather will dictate when the next coats are applied.    We're to have mixed weather for the next few days.  15.00    I believe that I prefer watching the Paralympic to the 'Olympics'.    Why? ..... because  The Paralympics come across as being friendlier.   The Olympics have been turned into a sort of 'war' by some 'Teams'.    Anyway I've been watching the Paralympic cycling from the Velodrome, and the efforts the