Bright and breezy ....

11th March 2019 (Monday) .... 09.30     The Centre of the Universe is the place to be this morning .... bright and breezy;  not quite wall to wall ‘bloo’ sky but near enough.    t’s  a good morning for bumbling around, but it’s cold exposed to the brisk wind.    I missed this morning’s sunrise;  trying to shake off this cold/cough:  the cough does seem to be slackening off.   It’s a case of staying warm and drinking plenty fluids.   The dental appointment I had for today has been cancelled, and a new one
Jen and Kendal.
made for the 4th April.

20.30     I suppose I have to admit to having had a lazy day;   I went back to bed at 11.30 and slept until 15.45.   I do feel better for it.    All I did before that was phone the dentist, and sweep a load of gravelly stuff off the pavement.    And drink tea.

When I did finally get up I found three messages on the answer machine;   one from Myra, and two from Kendal.    Kendal contacted me yesterday to tell me that he’d be visiting the villages today;  with me being ‘under the weather’ I’d forgotten all about that.    Anyway I phoned Kendal and was glad to find that he was still in the town.   He, and Jen his wife arrived at Ivy about five minutes later and we enjoyed a coffee (sachet) and a good old blether.   Kendal’s family lived in Balvonie until 1986, and was in the same class as Michael at the Waid.   Jen is a cheery lassie.... she is a typical Londoner with a cheery nature and a happy outlook to life:  I’m sure that Kendal is also from London originally.... who also has a happy outlook on life.   Kendal and Jen have been married for 6 years;   and now live in Shoreham (near Brighton).

I’m having another early night in bed in an attempt to shake orf this cold.    I do feel slightly brighter tonight;  probably because Kendal and Jen dropped in.   The ‘plan’ is to be ever so slightly more active tomorrow.   The forecast is for the wind to be frisky .... with rain at times.    Wednesday is also forecast to be windy .... but drier.

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