Sunny spells ....

4th June 2024 (Tuesday)     08.45 .... It's bright and breezy (W) just now;  but the weather cam at

Lochgelly shows rain so showers might come our way later.   I had thought of going up to Chapel Green after breakfast but I'll do that in the afternoon.... assuming the weather is  'showery with long sunny spells'.

16.00    It has been bonnie but breezy old day, with the occasional  light shower.   The showers should increase in number and intensity; I've just hung out a washing!   I went to Leven to buy a single Duvet and cover... and washed the cover and pillow case.   I went to Methil to have a cuppa with Alice; and get her to help me pick up what I wanted.   
The Bawbee Brig has been 'open' for a couple of weeks, but temporary traffic lights were in operation this morning; protecting a team of workmen.   I joined the traffic queue just beyond the Bus Station roundabout:  it took 22 minutes to travel the 50 metres to where light was (just short of the roundabout at the East end of the Brig.   The problem was that traffic, coming onto the roundabout from the right

has the right of way... and they didn't have a  temporary traffic light.  I felt sorry for the driver of the bus (a No7) who was going to be 20 odd minutes late at the first Stop he reached:  he got up to the roundabout and had to stop until 15 (yes I counted them) cars went through.   After the calming cuppa  at Alice's we did the shopping ... by way of the 'Iron Brig'.

20.30    After a 'lite bite' dinner I biked up to Chapel Green to keep the legs in biking trim.    The first thing I noticed was that the air was much colder than it had been.... almost a feel of winter in the air!   I have seen the weather forecast since and snow might fall on the higher peaks of the Grampians etc.   It is a bonnie evening and I enjoyed Chapel Green .... as long as I stayed out of the wind.   
I've had a quiet day;  and, with Alice's aid, got the bits and pieces I wanted.   The duvet cover has been

washed and ironed:  the plan being to sort out the beds tomorrow.   Tomorrow won't be a 'rest' day but I'm not going to overdo it;  but I'll take 'time out' to have a turn round the villages.... assuming it's not going to be cauld on the lugs.

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