Lovely morrrrrrrrrrning .....

22nd June 2024 (Saturday)    08.00 .... It's a beautiful morning... near enough 'wall to wall' blue

sky, with a fresh SW breeze;  a slightly cooler than I expected breeze.   I'm going to visit Alice this morning, and do some shopping.   I still have a lot of the frozen meals that 'JB' and I bought (could be some more surprises there) so it's a lightweight shopping.   I might go out on the bike in the afternoon, but that depends on how busy the roads are.

20.00    It has been a bonnie day of warm sunshine, but a few degrees were taken off the temperature by the unseasonably cool breeze.   A very enjoyable day just the same.   Alice and I did our shopping;  I bought more than I intended but got the car up to the gate so didn't have to carry the messages any distance.   Alice's garden is looking good just now.... and is sheltered , jut like my new patio.    I sat and admired her tiny ants as they busily collected stuff for their nests:  while I was doing that Alice was making lunch; which included a 'new' type of calorie free sweet.   My word it was delicious.  Alice was going to visit friends in the Scoonie Care Home after lunch, so we had a quick cup o' coffee, before setting off for the Care Home....from where I then made my way back to Ferry Road.

Among the messages I bought today was  pack o' goodies for Shona, whom I intend visiting tomorrow.  The plan is to go out on the bike and end up at Shona's;  by some devious route I have yet to 'plan'.   The weather forecast is good for tomorrow (and the next few days) so I should get  some biking done next week.    Perhaps even some small amount of work.   Tuesday is going to be taken up with having my haircut then going to Edinburgh on the train.  The Edinburgh trip could be either Tuesday or Thursday.

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