Interesting clouds ....

14th June 2024 (Friday)     08.00 .... I have a washing going through the machine, but I'm

beginning to think it might not be the best idea I've had this morning:  there's a lot of heavy looking shower clouds around..... and thundery showers are forecast.   On a more positive note.... the clouds might be picturesque!

21.30    We had clouds in abundance.... some of them were picturesque;  unfortunately most of the ones around us brought rain in varying intensity.... mostly heavy.    It was raining when I went up to take a few photographs of Jim Robertson's bench ceremony at Toll Green. Luckily Jackie (Coulthard) was there with her brolly and she kept the rain of me.... and the camera.   I got a good selection of photographs which I will sort out tomorrow, put on a stick and deliver to Steve.  The weather was disappointing but a number of people turned up .... and we all enjoyed a cuppa goodie in the Toll Green Hall.

When I got back to Ivy 'JB' was in 'full alert' mode.   We had a cuppa then went up to Fisher and Donaldson's in Cupar and had lunch in the Café.  The sweet was an easy choice.... Fudge Doughnuts or Yum Yum!   JB had a Doughnut I had a Yum Yum.   Both very 'yummy'.    We then cane home by the Ceres road.   Strangely enough the rain was only of the 'light' kind at this time.

Back at Ivy and after another cuppa 'JB' decided to go out to West Bay with the camera;  I was  in need of  a bit o' kip.  I suspect I've been suffering from after effects of  the work we did on Wednesday.... and the COVID jab I had on Tuesday.  A good nights sleep tonight should see me back to 'normal'.   We don't have 'plan' organised for tomorrow, but I'm sure we'll be out somewhere.

The washing I hung out this morning is still out having had a few extra rinses;  I'll give the towels

another spin tomorrow morning then hang them out again:  we could have sunny spells tomorrow.    I think the weather forecast to be slightly better than today.

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