Peaceful morning ....

18th June 2024 (Tuesday)    08.30 .... It's a quiet morning, but there's a lot of  cloud around... and

'light rain showers' are forecast.   What hit me first when I went out this morning, was the chilly air;  the Summer Solstice (Midsummer's Day) happens on Thursday..... the air feels like its late October.   Never mind, Midsummer's Day is also the official start of summer;  and we need a decent spell of summer weather!   I'm planning on taking a turn round The Ferry on the bike sometime today; after the air warms up.   

12.45   Work is going on apace at the Ferry Road Electricity sub station;   I'll have a daunder up after lunch to have a closer look at the action.   The weather hasn't been too bad so far;  we've one light shower but there could be more to come.   I plan to get out on the bike sometime today ... to flatten the battery, then fully charge it for tomorrow.   I've had a sluggish morning;  however I'm starting to feel livelier and should be fully alert and active in the afternoon.

17.30   It has just occurred to me why I've been feeling sluggish;  it was only a week ago that I had my COVID booster and it usually takes me a couple of weeks or so to get over it.   But this time 'JB' and I have been working;  I helped paint Ivy the day after the booster.... no wonder I've been sleeping even more than usual.   Anyway I'm feeling brighter now, but have yet to go out on the bike.   I might do that in the evening.

I was browsing the 'emergency rations' in the fridge and found a 'Haggis Pakora'.   I thought "that's different"!... I'll have that for my denner!    I've just finished it.... and it was.   Different that is.  Actually I think it could help clear my tubes;  it was slightly nippy... as was the red tomato and mint sauce stuff that came with it.   Having scoffed the lot I then had a look at the blurb that came with it .... the 'aggis was classed as 'Medium'.   I presume that means nippiness.   I also presume there's something even nippier .... classed as the 'HOT'!

20.30    I hung out towels earlier and they are now being subjected to a nice extra light rinse:  I'll leave them out and they might be dry by morning time, because the rain is due to fade away by 22.00. Tomorrow I have bedding to do;  and we have 'good drying day' weather forecast.   I never got out on

the bike today, but will do that first thing tomorrow morning.... after I've hung out a pair of sheets.  
Tomorrow is, most likely, going to be a rest day.

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