Bright and breezy ....

 27th June 2024 (Thursday)    08.30 .... It's cooler than I expected it to be, but it's a lovely

Waverley steps roof.

morning to be out and about.   I'm going to Leven Sainsbury's shopping (I want a couple of Weight Watchers ready meals).... then up to Methil to have morrrrrrrning coffee with Alice.

 I must have been tired last night..... having had seven hours unbroken sleep.    Pedalling the bike without the battery was hard work.... and the muscles are slightly stiff.   I've had a long hot shower and now ready to go 'out to play'.    The 'plan' is to go biking in the afternoon.... weather permitting.   Light rain showers are forecast.  

16.45   I fell sound asleep after I got back from Methil..... and only woke up half an hour ago, so haven't been out on the bike today.  I'm having a  cuppa just now because there's an ominous looking cloud, to the West of us, that looks like it's depositing some of it's innards around the Leven/Lundin Links area.   Actually, we've been lucky with the showers (so far);  most of them have been further West.   Edinburgh looked like it caught  a few.  The 'new plan' is to go out in the evening .... if the showers have moved away to annoy someone else. 

19.00    I forgot to mention that Ferry Road is going to be 'Closed' from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July, so that Scottish Water can do 'essential work to take care of the water supply in our area'.   That means I'll have a new batch of workmen to 'annoy' next week.  I think this weekend is the beginning of the Edinburgh Trades Fortnight.

Aberdeen to Glasgow Inter City Express.

I see that the barometric pressure has fallen rapidly since yesterday .... this is usually associated with an Atlantic storm moving in.    It also means sair joints and a few extra migraines.

22.00    I've been putting out the bucket (broon) and  discovered that it's windy.... and not very warm.    We could be in for an breezy night.   I'm going to make the Horlicks then get off to bed to read my book.   Tomorrow will be a rest day.

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