Bright and breezy ....

8th June 2024 (Saturday)     09.30 .... It's a beautiful, bright and breezy, morning.... but it's cool for

the time of year.   It will be really warm sheltered from the frisky Westerly wind.    This is 'JB' day and I am organised:  that means I did some 'ooverin'.     'Light rain showers' are forecast and I have put the shower towels out hoping that the showers miss us.   The 'London' train (with JB aboard) arrives in Kirkcaldy around about 15.06:  I'll set off about 10.30!      I suspect my washing might get an extra rinse or two.

21.30   We did had a shower of hail in the middle of the afternoon.... but my washing was just before it hit!

I went to Methil to have lunch with Alice then we went to Kirkcaldy to meet 'JB' off the London train.   We arrived at Kirkcaldy half an hour before it (the London train) was due so I got a few photos of activity at
Kirkcaldy Station;  including the Edinburgh to Leven train, which picked up a surprising number of passengers at Kirkcaldy.  The London train arrived 16 minutes after the Leven one had departed.... 'JB' suddenly appeared behind me.  I introduced Alice and 'JB' then we made for the car;  and set off for Alice's HQ to have a cuppa before travelling home.... via Sainsbury's.   'JB' had forgotten to pack his swimming trunks and had to buy a pair;  I wanted milk and  a few other necessities.

For some reason I actually enjoyed driving today, even though the roads were busy;  I even enjoyed driving in Kirkcaldy.   When we were at the station we saw some folk on the Edinburgh platform that looked like they were dressed for the Taylor Swift gig at Murrayfield.   I didn't know who Taylor Swift

was until last night.... when she was mentioned on the news.   You can buy a 'hoodie' for £65 at the gig!   Not that I'd buy one.... but I thought I'd mention it.   I wonder how much a ticket cost.

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