Cold Westerly wind ....

5th June 2023 (Wednesday)    08.15 .... It's a  bonnie morning, but there's definitely a wintry feel to

the air, so I haven't been out on the bike.   I'll do  that when the temperature rises;  that said, there's always going to be a serious amount of wind chill today because of the Westerly wind (F3-4).... so I might only go 'roond The Ferry'.   It's going to be cauld on the lugs!

14.15  I went out on the bike about 11.00;  by that time, although still breezy, the air was warmer so not too 'cauld on the lugs'.   I had meant to go further but discovered that I only had two bars left in the battery and that dictated the distance.   I went up Ferry road, along to Grangehill, then down to the 17th tee, and across the golf course.   I stopped at Ivy for a quick cuppa,  then louped onto the bike again, and went to the beach and finally up to Chapel Green.   By that time the battery was near enough empty and is now being charged.

15.30   We've been lucky with the showers; so far they've missed us:  However the sky is looking a bit more  threatening now and  I brought in the washing.   It has been  a great drying day.  

The bike will have a full battery tomorrow.... but;  I imagine that I'll be in 'Flap On' mode tomorrow, (getting ready for John (JB) on Saturday) therefore unlikely to go out on the bike..  Mind you I have done well today:  I managed to get a duvet intae it's cover without crawling about inside the cover.  That is a major achievement for me, because that is one job I 've always struggled with.

22.00    Although cool it has been a nice enough day... and I have been reasonably active.   This cold weather does not agree with me;  I was enjoying the warm summer sunshine.  The cold spell is to be with us for a few days yet.

Today I found out that private run utilities are 7.5% more efficient that Nationalised ones.  Try telling

that to the folk in the south who depend on Thames Water for their supply!   And are being threatened with 91% rise in their water bills.   Oh the Company paid out dividends .... and bonuses to the people running this 'efficient' business;  but didn't spend enough on the actual infrastructure.   The world is in a sorry state right enough!   They'll probably Nationalise the Company, spend loads o' tax payers money fixing the many problems, then privatise it again. The problem is 'greed'.

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