Lovely morning....

10th June 2024 (Monday)   09.15 .... It's a bright and breezy morning with a fair number of shower

clouds around;  light showers are mentioned in the weather forecast for our area.   We should see some bonnie clouds..... and hope that they deposit their innards somewhere else.   The 'plan' is to undercoat the rhone and window sills today.  

I must have been really tired last night I didn't get 'up' until 07.45!   It's a long time since I slept that late!  Obviously watching someone else working can be tiring! 

14.30    We've had a problem with showers today so we ended up going to B n Q's to buy the paint for the front of Ivy: the paint we bought is guaranteed for 15 years, and get my money back if I'm not satisfied!   (I can think of a slight problem with that!)   Anyway we have the paint, all we need is the weather to be less showery.   And its colder than it should be at this time of year.

When we went into B n Q's this bloke came forward and  starting talking:  well....he might as well have been speaking Mandarin; I did not get a single word he said!   I must have switched 'on' halfway through a word and the rest was gibberish.   'JB' got it most of .... and a bit o' paper that told us about hiring scaffolding!   I'm wondering if I should think about a hearing aid now.

20.00    'JB' is off to the beach for a wander with the camera:  it's too cold for me.  It has been an 'interesting clouds' day... which was good.  Unfortunately some of the interesting clouds were too close and dumped some of their innards on the way over.   The showers were mostly short but heavy.

John and I make the good working team!   However there's a minor hitch to overcome before the 'team' can operate at maximum efficiency.   We need to get our timing right.   I am up and ready to roll about 07.00;  'JB' surfaces nearer 10.00 by which time my eyelids are falling into the sleep position 'JB' does a load o' work on his own.   Today he did 'ousework!  We are both fully functional for a couple of hours after lunchtime;  then it's my siesta time.   'JB' gets on with the work .... I make the tea!

We have an early start tomorrow morning;  I have an appointment at the Randolph Wemyss for my COVID booster .... at 09.34.   The 'plan' is to take advantage of what we think is going to be a good weather day and get the front of Ivy Cottage painted!

22.30   After another reasonably busy day I'm well ready for bed .... and a few pages of my bedtime

book.   John and I have an early run to the Randolph Wemyss for my COVID booster jab;  then back home to get some painting done.... on what is forecast to be a bonnie albeit cool day.    Greenland and Iceland are both going to be warmer than Scotland tomorrow!  

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