Overcast with light rain .....

6th October 2024 (Sunday)    "Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary"  to Brian and Moira".

09.00 .... All the Fife Weather cams are showing overcast skies.  The Anstruther cam looks the

bleakest!.....the Lochgelly the least bleak.  The Easterly breeze has brought the weather in from the North Sea.... and  'sunny spells' are not mentioned in the weather forecast, but ... sometimes the sky looks promising!   It's a good day to be inside.  Luckily I, (and all the other guests), are celebrating Brian and Moira's Golden Wedding Anniversary in the Lindsay Room at Kinneuchar Castle.

10.30     It's still raining, but the sky looks promising now and again;  the sun might break though in the afternoon.  I had a walk round the patio in the light rain; very refreshing.    I'm having morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee before I start to get organised for Kinneuchar Castle.

20.30    We had a really pleasant family and friends gathering to celebrate Brian and Moira's Golden Wedding.   It's hard to believe that it was 50 years ago;  however the actual wedding photo was taken 50 years ago do it must be!     Margaret, John and David arrived to pick me up five minutes early, but I'd been ready since 11.00 so we were well on time arriving at the 'Castle'.   It was bright and cheery inside.... and warm, so we didn't need the sun!   It never ceases to amaze me how a log fire can heat up a big room like the Lindsay Room so fast.  
David had brought his accordion and sound system, and we were treated to a brilliant selection of 'old time dance.   Reminded me of Colinsburgh Toon Hall in the 'good old days' of Scottish dance music;  and Scottish dancing. 
Brian made short 'welcome' speech, before we sat down to lunch.   The service was excellent, only surpassed by the food the girls were serving.   Things went quiet, the only noise being the cutlery glancing of the plates now and again.   There was plenty happy chatting between courses;  that might have had something to do with the wine.  

We then settled down to reminisce and generally chat.  I played around with the camera.   There were loads cameras around the Room, and  a good record of the afternoon would be recorded.   I missed the actual cutting of the cake, the two that I too were OOF (out of focus).   The top photo is just after the event!   Time passes swiftly when you're enjoying yourself and this afternoon was one of the swiftest!   I even missed my siesta... though, at one point I closed my eyes to listen to David, who gave us another session before the afternoon was brought to a close. I might easily have dropped into catnap mode then.  I didn't .... honest I didn't!  Well Ok I nearly did!    It will be a tired boy that falls into bed tonight!

This was a happy occasion as Anniversaries such as this always are: they also bring back memories of 'the good old  days' and, naturally after 50 years, there are a lot of, 'good old days'   That's what makes occasions like so special; we remember the "good old days".... and absent friends.  I really enjoyed myself today "Thank you Brian and Moira" for inviting me!   

22.30    My word!.... the weather has deteriorated and it has been raining heavily, and the forecast for tomorrow is not great.  More rain.... but only 'light rain'.  Tomorrow looks like it could be a computer day for me.   I'm half hopin' I get the car back soon if the weather is going to be damp!   

I'm going to make a mug o' Horlicks then get ready for bed.   I should have no problem with falling asleep.  
I'll leave you with a photo of the Lindsay Room fireplace to take  our minds aff the weather.

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