Quiet morning ....

23rd July 2024 (Tuesday)     09.00 .... Although cloudy, with a chance of light showers it's a beautiful,

quiet kind o' mornin';  with interesting clouds.   Nice morning for the bike but I'm going to leave that until tomorrow morning ....when I might go for a trial run 'roond The Ferry'.   Not going out on the bike is ever so slightly frustrating!

21.00    I've had a 'lazy' because I had to wait for a phone call from the Nurse (Skeith Centre).   I had multiple cuppas and did some 'ousework to pass the time while waiting:  the outcome of it all is that 'all is good', and remains as is for another week or so.   And I have to drink copious amounts of water:  I do that anyway;  I begin my morning with a litre of water while checking the news on the computer etc.   But it's all very frustrating.

The weather has been lovely most of the day, though it is cooler now that the breeze has backed to the East.    I went to Methil to visit Alice, who is going up to Nairn for a few days with Izzy (her daughter).  They visit NT properties and generally have a good time.   Anyway I caught up with Alice's activities over the past few days.... and enjoyed a cuppa and a piece of beautifully made cake!  There's a  piece of that cake  in the fridge.... which I'll scoff after this update.

I'm going to have to go out on the bike soon;  I'll have nae hair left if I don't.   The car is all very well but I can't stop every time I see what I think is a bonnie photograph! 

The villages are busy... at least Ferry Roads is, with forms of traffic.... including folk going down to the beach.  Which I imagine must have been busy today.

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