Lovely, fresh morning .....

26th July 2024 (Friday)    08.45 .... We have a beautiful  morning .... and... there's a fresher feel to

the air  .... definitely a 'play day'.  I had a restless night due to it being overly warm;  didn't have a decent sleep until  about 04.00.   Then woke up at  06.00:  this could be another 'lazy' day.   

09.45    When I went to answer the doorbell  half an hour ago, I was surprised to find a Nurse (Philippa) at the door;   she was going to change the catheter.   The original 'plan' was to go to the Skeith Centre this afternoon.   Alice is coming (11.30 ish) ) bus.... and bringing lunch with her.   Must 'go' .... no... there's 'no Flap On' now;  have another cuppa Alber' my boy.   

22.30   I met Alice off the bus on what has been a nice day:  we didn't do anything because the anti-biotic pill has side effects.   The most annoying one is a sair heid;  so I wasn't the best company today.  The pill has an effect that I didn't expect;  is seems to be clearing the auld tubes.  Anyway I took Alice along to catch the bus for Leven:  I went back to Ivy and drank copious amounts of water..... and slept.

 I watched the Olympic Games opening ceremony;  it was a bit long for me, but I catnapped my way through it.  The red carpet made me think of the Oscar ceremony: The only difference being that Olympians deserve the 'red carpet' treatment, whereas, the egotistic people at the Oscar ceremony don't.   That's the Oscar ceremony sorted oot!

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