Lovely, quiet morning .....

15th July 2024 (Monday)     09.00 .... We had an early start this morning as Jackie is going back to

work (Aberdeen) after her Scottish Guitar Retreat week at St Andrews.   She set off just after 07.00 and should be in Aberdeen by 10.00.   Jackie stripped the bed so I have half the bedding on the line;  it's not the best  'drying day' but I'm expecting sunny spells (long).... and hope to get the other sheet on the line after lunch.   I don't know where Maggie got the sheets but they are huge.

I'm feeling sluggish now... oh, that reminds me;  I took a photo of slug yesterday .... I'll put it up tonight.   I'm going to have a cuppa and see if that brightens me up.

Scots are amazing people;  England getting beat in the Final of the Euros is celebrated as if Scotland had won the Euros!   Why is that?   England were the last of the UK teams in the competition and I wanted them to actually win.  I must be losing it;  or I'm too fond of sunny Sussex!

21.30    I haven't been anywhere today because it has been a perfect drying day so I washed (and ironed), the bedding;  at the speed I 'work' at now that took all day.  I need to have plenty rest periods.   It's ironing big sheets that takes time;  pillow cases are a dawdle.   Anyway, I only have the downie cover to wash and iron (maybe not iron).   I could make the bed up now but I'll have a break before making ready for Michael and Janice, who are coming up from 'sunny Sussex' on the 29th.

The freezer was badly needing defrosted so that was another job that had to be done.  That's the only time Maggie's hairdryer is used.   When I think about it I never told Jackie that I still had Maggie's hairdryer;  she could have used it.   I think Janice is the only one that has a actually used it, as a hairdryer, since 2009.  It's great for defrosting freezers!

George and Janet dropped by this morning to see how I was coping with the catheter;  and to remind me that we're going to the 19th for lunch on Wednesday.
Regarding the catheter;  I got a booklet from  the Nurse at the 'Skeith Centre'  that I call "Love your Catheter", that has all the info  required.   So, apart from making me suddenly feel 'auld', I'm coping fine.
Thundery showers are forecast for tomorrow;  this means there should be bonnie clouds around.   And  I won't wash the downie cover.

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