Misty .....

16th July 2024 (Tuesday)     08.15 ....  The Fife Weather cams  are all 'grey' this morning... and

This morning.

there's a Yellow Warning for heavy showers o' rain;  it is not a good 'drying day'!   I have a 'blood test' appointment with Laurie (Nurse) this morning, and that will be followed by a trip to Methil, to have morning coffee with Alice.... and maybe  a small bit of shopping when in Leven.   

At the moment the sky is overcast and  it's misty... but not raining.   Thundery showers usually mean  big interesting clouds so the mist might lift.   Must 'go'.... medium 'Flap On' this morning!... my appointment is at 09.05.

19.00    I' am not a 'happy boy';  I could have washed the downie cover this morning, and it would have dried, because the rain didn't arrive until later in the afternoon.   Apart from that I've had a good day.  My appointment was over and done by 09.15.... and I remembered to ask Laurie (Nurse) the couple of questions I had written on my 'list'.   And they were favourably answered.

17th green - in the afternoon.
The trip to Leven and Methil went perfectly,   I started by going th Alice's for morning tea, then did a small shopping on the way home.    Back at 'Ivy' I sorted the shopping, then chatted to my next door neighbour (Balvonie) when putting the empty shopping bags in the car boot.  After all that I had a cuppa, then went for a walk up to the golf course, where I met and chatted to Julie, my next door neighbour (Ferry Lodge).   Ferry Lodge is nearing completion.   I'm just thinkin';  Michael and Janice are coming up from 'Sunny Sussex' on the 29th,  and will expect my garden to be 'reinstated'.  It's not quite finished.... oops.

21.30    Tomorrow is supposed to be a brighter (and drier) day than today:  in other words a good drying day so the downie will be on the line sometime tomorrow.   We (the 'Team) are going to the 19th for lunch tomorrow so I don't need to bother about organizing lunch.   

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