Nice, fresh morning ....

 21st July 2024 (Sunday)    10.00 ....although there's a layer of lightweight cloud we have a lovely,

fresh morning;  yes it's cooler, but the air is fresher .... and the auld tubes are working.   Actually this is the best I have felt since I had a tummy bug a couple of weeks ago;  not yet a 100% 'me', but 'on the mend'.   I've been for the paper.... and down to the harbour.   There was a brisk southwest breeze, so a bit o' wind chill at the harbour, but I was enjoying the freshness of the air;  and was well enough wrapped up.   I came home by way of Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar.   

With me feeling better I know that I'll be tempted to do stuff;  but I am going to have yet another 'rest' day.   This is the last day of le' Tour, so I'll watch that (time trial) in the afternoon.   Right now it's cuppa time!

19.38    Having done a small washing (I've only got short lines just now) it can be said that I haven't had a completely 'lazy' day, though I did spend a lot of the afternoon watching the final stage of the Tour.   The top three placings remain unchanged after today's Time Trial;  Pogocar, Vingegaard and Evenepoel.   The 2024 Tour (which finished in Nice instead of Paris because of the Olympics)  will go down as one of the most exciting.... especially the mountain stages.   It's a pity that Vingegaard had a bad accident a few months ago;  it might have been even more exciting.   Anyway that's my TV biking 'done' for another year;  I can now get back to  normal.

Today's weather was pleasant enough up up until about an hour ago when  we had some light rain drops.   I know this because I was bringing in the washing.    Actually the 'light rain' is forecast to be with us overnight and through to lunchtime tomorrow.... no wonder I saw a migrating Curlew; and Common Gulls this morning.

22.00    I don't have a 'plan' for tomorrow;  it really depends on what the weather is doing and how I'm feeling.   I've had a good 'rest' day today but I'm tired now, and well ready for bed.

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