Lovely, but cool morning....

17th July 2024 (Wednesday)     10.00    After getting 'up' early to fire up the washing machine, then hang out a washing I had a

cuppa before loupin intae the car and going for the paper;  and I actually got it.   From the 'Paper Shop I went to the harbour (for the first time in a couple o' weeks).   It was cold down there... the harbour, being exposed, can be  cool but you expect to be warmer in July:  after all this is summer!    Stewart (Harbour Master) was chatting to the bloke levelling the car park .... and  I got a few photos before driving round to the Toft and taking a few more to 'play' with in the evening.

17.00  Having been 'at it' since 05.30,  I'm awfie tired but awfie happy;  I managed to get all the bedding and towels washed and dried!   Today was the kind of drying day' that I wanted.... and needed!   But it has been tiring.   Janet dropped by with a magnetic 'Appointments' calendar;  and I need it!   I'm most forgetful when tired;  fine in the morning and up until around 14.00 when I have to catnap on and off for the remainder of the day.   

The break, for lunch at lunch at the 19th with 'The Team', was very welcome....and enjoyable as ever.   I'd expected it to be busier, but it is the middle, and quietest time, of the week.
The air has been 'funny' today:  it was fine when I went for the paper but by 11.00 it was mauchless and I had to use the blue inhaler.   There must have been something in the air.  Anyway the mauchlessness  didn't stop me gettin on wi' the work.   

21.00    It has been a lovely, warm, albeit mauchless day;  the garden thermometer got up to 22C in the afternoon!   I actually thought of going out on the bike but decided it would be wiser to leave that for a few days.  Although kna... tired after a busy day, I am happy that bedding is done.   Michael and Janice (Sussex) are coming up on the 9th August so I have plenty time to tidy the bedroom and make up the bed.  Tomorrow is going to be a quiet day .... just pottering around with the camera.   Having said that, It all depends on what the weather is doing:  the weather forecast has us down for light showers and
sunny spells.  Up to now the summer weather has been disappointing; in fact at 07.00 this morning it felt more like an Autumn morning.
However it's a bonnie evening;  the urge to take the bike out is strong.  Luckily the urge to have a cuppa is stronger!

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