Raining but nice calm morning ....

22nd July 2024 (Monday)    09.00 .... It's a lovely peaceful, morning in spite of the fact that it's

Largo Law from Leven beach.

actually raining!    there are 'bloo' bits in the sky so we could have a bonnie, sunny spells day to come.  I have only been as far as the gate but might go out in the car later;  at the moment I'm contemplating breakfast, having slept in after a restless might because it was so hot.

11.45   The light rain has moved away and we now have a bonnie, slightly humid day to 'play' with.   I took the car up to Elie to hand in my prescription  (I didn't go for a paper 'cos I haven't yet read the Sunday Post).   From Elie I went to 'The Store' (Ainster) then home by way of the 'back roads'.   I am now seriously thinking of getting the bike out and having a short run to Chapel Green.   I have the correct kind of bike seat so there should be no problem with the catheter.  There is the chance of light showers in the afternoon but at the moment we have a lovely, warm (albeit humid) day.

19.30    I eventually decided that going out on the bike might not be the best idea, because I've had an eventful day with the catheter.   All is good after phoning the Skeith Centre, but it was slight 'Flap On' until then.   I had a long siesta in the afternoon... and might go up to the golf course after I have another cuppa.  It's a lovely evening;  and I need a couple of photos for 'The Hutte'.

20.30   Well that was a  quick change in the weather.  I sat down to watch 'Last of the Summer Wine' and when I next looked outside the sky had clouded over.   So, no walk up to the golf course.   I had a restless night because it was so warm, and therefore tired tonight.   Another early night in bed with the book... and hope that it's cooler.

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