Nice, fresh morning ....

28th July 2024 (Sunday)    11.00 .... It's a bright and sunny morning, with a nice breeze so loads o'

fresh air.   I've been for the paper and down at the harbour.... and it was busy.   The tide was in at that time (08.20) and will be going out  now so there will be a big beach needing to be played on in the afternoon.   

The antibiotics are working, so that's a step in the right direction.   I seem to have been going in the wrong direction since I had the 'tummy bug'.

18.00    It has been a perfect summer's day.;  the villages have been busy, and imagine that the beach wold be mobbed.    It was a perfect day for the beach!.  I imagine that the beach would be mobbed.

What did I do?.... I went up to St Andrews Hospital because my 'pet' hernia was sair and Dr Francis told me that if is ever sore ....  see a Doctor.    So that I is what I did..... via NHS 24.   I've had the hernia for a long time; the pain was new, hence why I  did NHS 24.   It was all very interesting and ended with the decision that I had to see a Doctor.    By the time I'm finished with all this I should be perfect.    That would be a change.   This all started with aforementioned 'tummy bug'.

The Ferry is loaded with cars, and we've had the usual caravanettes looking for 'Elie' Caravan Park.  Why they came up with that name I cannot guess;  'Shell Bay' was better, less misleading......  and where I learned to swim!   

I get the feeling that this could be a hot and therefore restless night (that reminds me I need a new 'bedtime' book).    Mind you we badly need a decent spell of summer weather.... but with cooler nights.

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