Light rain ....

11th July 2024 (Thursday)    07.45 .... We have an overcast sky, with light rain and a light NW

breeze just now;   so a damp start to the morning.   The forecast,  "cloudy with a chance of precipitation at times", isn't 'iggzactly' the most cheerful for the middle of July.  On a positive note;  the pollen levels will be low..... and, this is a bonus.... we're not having to buy costly sun cream.   

19.30    we had a spells of light rain in the middle of the day; apart from that it has been a nice enough day.   I went to Methil, (via Colinsburgh Filling Station to feed the car) to have morrrrrrrrrning coffee with Alice but she was out, so I did some shopping in Sainsbury's and had coffee when I got home.   I'm becoming used to the roads being busy now.... but you daren't take your eye off the road to admire the greenery!.... and the countryside is looking bonnie just now.

I watched Stage 12 of 'le Tour' in the afternoon.... with a few catnaps as it was a 'sprinter' stage.   The scenery was lovely and the commentators do describe the various chateaus and villages the cyclists were passing so not totally boring.
'West Lodge' - Balcarres Estate.

I had planned to go down to the beach in the evening but the breathing tubes are not operating at their best tonight;  must be the weather.... or something in the air.   Jackie is off to St Andrews to an evening guitar ensemble... so I'll find something to watch on the tele.

21.45    It has been a lovely, quiet evening.... and it's going to be a bonnier day tomorrow.   "Light cloud with a gentle breeze is the forecast", so I might get the bike out.... especially if sunny spells come our way.

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