Light cloud .....

9th July 2024 (Tuesday)     08.15.... it's sunny and warm, in spite of a layer of light cloud.   There's

a Yellow Warning out for rain, effective from 22.00 tonight  through to midnight on Wednesday.   The pollen levels will be 'low' tomorrow.   I must bike 'roond the Ferry', then charge up the battery and have a longer run in the afternoon.   Jackie will be at St Andrews in the afternoon.

21.30    I enjoyed a bike run to Chapel Green to discharge the bike battery.... and enjoyed the sunshine;  but the easterly breeze was annoying.   I was taking a few photos of Kincraig cliffs, when Jenny (Gilderdale) appeared, walking her friendly little dog (top photograph).   I enjoyed chatting to Jenny who I haven't seen for a while.  On the way back round to Chapel Green I had a break at at Jim's memorial seat.   He was in a good mood..... as was Maggie!    All is good with the Memorial seats at Chapel Green. 

Back at Ivy Jackie was was organising stuff for her afternoon at St Andrews, before  going for a walk;  we'd read the weather forecast and any outdoor activities had to be done in the morning.   I set about downloading the morning's batch of photos.... after putting the bike battery on charge.   

After a lite bite lunch Jackie went off to St Andrews:  I made myself a cuppa settled down in to watch the 'le Tour.   Today's Stage (10) was a 'sprinter stage and not very exciting.... especially so after the excitement of Stage 9.    I fell asleep with the mug o' tae on my knee:  Yep.... I woke up with a jolt ....  then I remembered the mug o' tea!   I changed my trousers! 

Jackie is away to a 'concert' with the guitar folks;  I could have gone but I'm no use in the evening's now..... too tired.

The rain arrived as per forecast... and we have had a dismal afternoon and evening..... and tomorrow is also going to be wet!  The wind is due to change direction by Thursday so the weather should brighten up with that change.  Tomorrow could be a good day to hibernate if the weather turns out as forecast.

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