Bonnie morning ....

5th July 2024 (Friday)    "Happy Birthday to Maggie" (who would have been 83 today).   I'll have afternoon coffee at Chapel Green.  

08.30    It's a beautiful morrrrrrrrrrrrning with long long sunny spells, and, with the wind having

moderated, there's less wind chill so the air is warmer.   I found that out when I took the green bucket down to Ferry Corner;  which has been emptied and is now back in the garden.   

'Jo' Sydney's daughter is coming for morrrrrrrrning coffee/tea so I'm going to hang out  a washing, then "rin roond wi' the 'oover, flick the spiders into different corners  and pit the kettle on".    Slight Flap on this bonnie morning.   But not as big a 'Flap' as in the Tory Party HQ!   We have a change of Government this morning..... and Wendy got re-elected in North East Fife.  I'm happy.

15.00    It was good catching up with Jo.... who had a delays on her journey up from Southampton, so spent 12 hours travelling.... welll.... more accurately... being delayed and travelling.   Anyway she arrived safely and is looking forward to her holiday with Diane (sister).  While we were having our morning coffee the workmen arrived to tarmacadam the 'hole' in Ferry Road.   That has been done, but the road is not yet 'open'.

20.30   Welllll .... that's the General Election over and a new Labour Government running the country.  In his speech outside No 10, Keir Starmer. the Prime Minister said "the country will always come before the Party"!    That is a welcome, and most important
 change.   The departing Conservative Government MP's always came across as "Party first then self (sometimes the other way round).... and then... that ither thing?.... oh aye.... the Country"!    Although the government has changed, the UK is still the same, with the same problems as we had yesterday; but now we have different people, with different ideas, to deal with the problems.  It will take time, but, as long as they do put the country first and not Party dogma, it will get better eventually.   I'm a tired (I sat up until the first two declarations were made), but happy 'boy' tonight.   

The weather has been disappointing;  the long sunny spells didn't  come often enough.... and it was

cool.   Not July weather at all.   I didn't get up to Chapel Green to have coffee and goodies wi' Maggie in the afternoon.... it was too cold but I celebrated in Ivy!   In fact I have one goodie to eat (Empire biscuit) so I'm going to do that immediately after this update.
The weather looks like being 'cauld and damp' tomorrow;  a good day for me 'ooverin' and dustin' the bedroom!

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