Beautiful morning ....

14th July 2024 (Sunday)     09.30 .... We have a  lovely morning.... it's sunny and warm just now. 

 Unfortunately I overslept (08.30) so missed the best part of the morning;  however I am up, but not quite running (I'll leave that until after breakfast).   I have a washing going through the machine which I'll hang out before I make my mind up as to how active I feel.   I might take the car up to Elie for the paper.... and maybe to the harbour to see what's happening down there, then make a 'plan' for the day.   At the moment I am two hours behind my normal schedule.... and
 in 'Flap On' mode.  
10.15    The 'light showers'  should begin soon;  the  washing is on the line.   It's actually a nice day but not a good drying one.... but tomorrow should be so the washing can dangle until then.   I doubt if I'll go far today;  I still feel sluggish after the 'tummy bug'.

20.00    It has been a nice day:  the 'light showers' mentioned in the forecast never got beyond a few spits and spots so the washing dried.   And I waged war on the nettles that Maggie planted to attract Tortoiseshell butterflies (they lay their eggs on nettles the food plant of the caterpillars).   The main problem with the nettles is that you have to let them grow.... and they ain't pretty flowers!   I had a healthy crop this year but have left one small patch for the aforementioned butterflies.
Stage 15 of 'le Tour' was on TV so I watched that in between attacking the nettles and making cuppas.  The Stage was won by Pogocar... which means he will probably win this years Tour.  Vingegaard  (defending Champion) was second.... and will most likely be runner up this year.   Pogocar was runner up last year.
Sunday night is always a boring night for the TV so I'm going to 'play' with some photos.   This is the last day of the Scottish Classical Guitar Retreat, so Jackie will be travelling up to Auchnagatt tomorrow.... and leaving me i/c 'Ivy Cottage'.   I can feel a 'Flap' coming on!  

I took 'time out' to take a run out in the car.... only Kinneuchar/Balbuthie etc.  I'll go out on the bike in another week or so.

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