Overcast and cool ....

 21st May 2024 (Tuesday)    11.00 .... There was an interesting sky (it even had 'bloo' bits in it)

when I went out on the bike earlier;  now it's overcast with a cold NE breeze.   Light rain is forecast.  I had a sheet on the line but brought it in and will be ironed and hung it in front of a radiator.  That's what I've had to do with sheets etc. for the last few months.   Anyway I went up to Chapel Green (bike), with plenty camera stops on the way;  I came home by a devious route so have loads of photographs to 'play with'.   I still can't do anything on FB;  (it 'thinks' the History Society is my 'Home Page':  any photographs I upload will be 'here' .... on 'The Hutte.

11.00   I've posted three photographs on the Elie and Earlsferry Photos page;  posting as 'Elie and Earlsferry History Society!
11.30    I fixed it!   I found the button  that I needed to 'Press', so all is good at The Royal Burrow!    And I posted a few photographs on the Elie and Earlsferry Photos page as "Albert Lawrie" .... alias 'me'.

16.30    The afternoon has been cloudier.... and we had some spits and spots (big ones) when I was out on the bike.   I only went 'roond The Ferry' then up to the Pony Field.   It wasn't as cold as I thought it might be.... but the rain started so I bumbled my way back home and had a mug o' coffee.   The rain didn't last.

20.30    Tomorrow is going to be a 'rest day';  the weather forecast is 'thundery showers with a moderate Northerly breeze... so it won't be overly warm.   I'm going to work on the computer... and sort out some of the photographs I've taken over the past few weeks.   I am beginning to feel 'normal me' again;  that usually means I overdo the 'work'... which is what I did I did yesterday.   Computer work is classed as a 'rest day'.

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