Lovely morrrrrrning ....

14th May 2024 (Tuesday)     08,30 .... the weather forecast has for KY9 is "light rain with a moderate

breeze" but at the moment it's 'bright and breezy.' with a mix of cloud and blue sky.   The 'light rain' is forecast to arrive by midday.   I thought of going out on the bike just now,  but the frisky easterly wind put me off.   It's breakfast time.

19.30   After breakfast I decided to go to Lidl's (Leven) to get a few bits and bobs;  then up to Methil to have morrrrrning coffee with Alice.  Izzy came by and we chatted until lunchtime;  when Izzy went off on a mission, and Alice and I had a tasty lunch.... all home cooking including an Eton Mess.    Alice makes a braw Eton Mess!  It's very tasty!   And calorie free!   

I only managed to get two photographs today;  both taken from the car while waiting for the temporary traffic lights to change at the Bawbee Brig roadworks.  The new pavement and cycleway can be seen in the photo.  I think the plan is for them (footpath and cycleway) to go over the Brig;   the work is taking place on the Eastern approach to, and across the 'brig'.   The work has been ongoing for a long time;  mostly to do with the new Leven Railway Station.   

Letham Glen (two weeks ago).

22.15    It has been a cold and wet evening;  but tomorrow should be brighter.... and warmer.    I'm going to have another quiet day.   I doubt if I'll get out on the bike;  the weather forecast isn't bad but there could be light showers.

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