Bright and breezy ....

3rd May 2024 (Friday)     08.30 .... It's a lovely morning, but there is a chilly wind off the ENE:  it

will be warm in sheltered places, but cool on the beach or golf course.   It will be a good 'drying day';  and we might have to look out the sunscreen.   I'm having a playing around Ivy day;  this means that I might paint some of the shed.... my breathing is much better after my appointment with Gil (Asthma Nurse).

21.00   This has been more like the kind of weather we need;  bright and sunny and very warm in the back garden, where it I was well sheltered from the Easterly wind.   At one time it was too hot and I was longing for the good old cold and wet, Scottish weather that we can cope with!   (I worry aboot me at times!)   I set about painting the front of the wee shed;  and managed to give it three coats.  It was bare in bits.    The bare bits were caused by wasps, using the dry wood to make their nests over the past few years.  The new paint will stop them doing that for a couple of years;  after that it's dry enough for them to get through to the wood.  I saw a Queen Common wasp today, looking for a place to set up 'home'.   I haven't had  a Common wasp nest around Ivy for many years;  though I have had Bumble Bees and Red Wasps.  Red Wasps are smaller than Commons and nest underground, with only a few hundred individuals.... whereas the Common Wasp can have thousands in a healthy nest.... anywhere. Especially attics.   It was Commons and Reds that stripped the shed:  it's interesting (and relaxing) watching them working!   I remember a few years back, when I was making the mini golf clubs, a Queen set up home in the shed I worked in;  I left her to it;  until the nest was about the size of a tennis ball with a good number of individuals coming and going all the time.   I had to get rid of the nest when I realised that this was going to be one big old nest if I'd left them to it!    Funnily enough I was never stung: I don't think they bothered about me sitting there sandpapering wee golf clubs!

I've enjoyed myself today but suspect that tomorrow might have to be a rest day!   A couple of years ago the painting I did today would have taken me a couple of hours:  Today I was at it, on and off, for most of the day!   Nowadays I need a lot o' tea breaks!

22.30    I was surprised to find that we've had a shower o' rain (I was out at the bucket);  that said, I shouldn't have been surprised because rain is mentioned in the forecast.   And, it's to be mostly cloudy with the chance of drizzle tomorrow.
Although tired tonight, and I'll probably be 'hippit' tomorrow, I've enjoyed myself today.  And it looks like I won't be painting tomorrow if the forecast is correct.   I need a rest day anyway!

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