Breezy ....

17th May 2024 (Friday)    08.30 .... it's a 'bright and breezy morning;  there's a moderate wind

from the ENE and a lot of fluffy cloud around just now.   It's going to be a 'play day'.   I'll go out on the bike sometime today, but I intend doing some 'ousework first .... if I can get into a working mood.   Right now I'm not in a a working mood!

16.00   Hanging out a washing has been the only 'work' thing I've done so far today;  but I did take 'time out'  on the bike.   I had an enjoyable run up to Kinneuchar, with frequent stops to take photographs.   The countryside is looking brilliant just now and I came back with a load of 'photies tae play wi'.  Annoyingly I had a migraine not long after I got back home, and I'm now in 'rest mode'.  I've just remembered; I must put the bike battery on charge.

20.00    It has been a lovely day... even though there is a cool on shore breeze.   I never really got going after I put the bike battery 'on charge'; the battery should be fully charged in another hour or so  (taking three and a half hours to go from empty to 'full').  The weather forecast is excellent for tomorrow so I plan to go out early... before the roads get busy.   It's going to be misty first thing.... with only a light breeze.   It all depends on how misty it is and how I feel as to how far I go.  I'll certainly 'do' the villages.

The workmen arrived with stones to a build a 'retaining' wall where the patio joins onto the garden.  They will do the job in the next few weeks.   'Rural Developments' are always busy ... that's a good sign in the building industry.22.00   After a fairly busy day I'm tired and well ready for bed.   I'd like to be 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' tomorrow.... having had a leisurely afternoon today!
Apparently this is going to be a good night to see the Aurora Borealis... from 22.00 (now) and 02.00 tomorrow morning.

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