Overcast and damp ....

 7th March 2025 (Friday)     08.30 .... The sun is trying to break through the light cloud, but "light

rain (we've had some) with a light breeze" is forecast, so it's going to be a mixed weather kind of day.   I'll go biking tomorrow because it's going to be sunny and warm.... with a gentle breeze from the East), so it could be cool at Crail!    

20.30    I've had a busy day.   First thing I thought it was going to be a dull and damp day, but the sun broke through when I was at Alice's and it was warm.   We had a cuppa before going to B & M's to get the bits and pieces we wanted, then back to Alice's for lunch;  which was 'pulled chicken'.   I've never heard of that but we both liked it;  but we didn't use the hot barbecue sauce they'd included.   We wouldn't have tasted the chicken if we used that.   The was followed by a 'Methil Mess'  (a bit like an Eton Mess only tastier).   By the time we'd had a cup o' coffee it was time for me to head for Ivy.   Alice was going to The Beach Care Home to visit one of her former neighbours so I dropped her off on the way home.  
Back at Ivy I had a cuppa, followed by a catnap, before getting the bike out and going up to Chapel Green,
It was a lovely sunny day by now (15.15) but there was a chilly Easterly breeze at Chapel Green, so O went round to the seats by the 10th fairway to be sheltered from aforementioned breeze.   I then went back to Maggie's Seat to enjoy the view.  The cold breeze had me back on the bike after about three minutes!   And I was back in Ivy about five minutes after that.   With the kettle 'on'.

23.00    The weather forecast for tomorrow is...."sunny with a gentle breeze", but the gentle breeze is from the East so it could be a cool gentle breeze on the beach .... or the golf course.  I've never liked winds off the East, but on a sunny day it means it will be a good drying day.   I'll do a washing before I go anywhere in the morning.    Although it's to be sunny in the morning, it's raining just now;  not heavily;  but wet ....and cold.

President Trump continues to dominate the 'News' with his new kind of diplomacy.   No country knows
where they are with the USA nowadays;  he's even threatening Russia with tariffs and more sanctions.  And he's got Europe flappin' to contribute more towards NATO and the the defence of Europe.   All this within weeks of  beginning his second term as President.    It all makes interesting 'news'.... but it's also worrying.  That said, if President Trump brings a secure and long lasting peace to Europe and the Middle East, he will well deserve going into history as a peacemaker.  We should all be hoping that he is successful.  

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