Breezy morning ....
4th March 2025 (Tuesday) 08.00 .... At the moment the sky is mostly overcast and there's a brisk
NW breeze. However .... the weather forecast is "sunny with strong winds" ,so it's going to be'bright and breezy'.... breezy being F7 (on the Beaufort Scale of wind strength). I don't think the bike will be out today: but it might be a Spring cleaning day! Then again it might be a 'rest day'; it depends on how enthusiastic I feel about Spring cleaning after breakfast! And how the weather develops.15.00 The sun has been trying to break through the cloud, but has never quite made it..... so far. The wind isn't as strong as was forecast; but it will be stronger, on the beach and golf course, than it is in the sheltered Ivy patio.
I have been working in the wee bedroom so the day hasn't been totally wasted. It's far to cold to go out on the bike; not only is it dull, it's also bitterly cold; so it has been a good day for 'Spring cleaning'. Not that there has been very much of that done, but it is a good day for doing it! I am not in 'Flap On' mode!
'Flap On' mode? The European political Leaders are the ones having a major 'Flap' just now. They will be working frantically, behind the scenes, to tone down the damage caused at the Oval Office meeting the other day. Having said that, the Oval Office meeting has certainly livened the European politicians up! It's worrying as to how it will all end. I'm thinking of what 'Mother Earth' will be like for my/our (Marcia is a Great Grand Mother .... welcome, to our lovely World, Ruby Harris) Great Grandchildren!