
Showing posts from June, 2024

Wall to wall blue sky ......

24th June 2024 (Monday)    07.30 .... It's sunny and warm with a light breeze.... it's summertime!    We a have 'wall to wall' blue sky just now, but cloud could wander over from the West later.  I'm going to have a run up to Kinneuchar to visit Shona later in the morning;  she wasn't 'in' yesterday, and her car wasn't moored up in it's usual space:  she might be away on holiday.   Anyway it's a good day for the bike .... and I need the exercise!

Nice morning....

23rd June 2024 (Sunday)     08.00 .... It's a nice start to the day; at the moment there's a lot of fluffy cloud about, and the  breeze is chillier than it should be in late June.   However, I'm sure that the sun will burn off some of the cloud to give us a warm and bonnie 'play day'.... that said, the chilly breeze could be bothersome.  I'm going to have another cuppa then go for the paper. 11.45   I've done the 'paper run (and got the paper) and came home by way of the Elie and Ferry roads.  The Main road (A917) was busy with traffic... probably heading for Elie and Earlsferry for a day out at the seaside.  I'll go up to Kinneuchar after lunch and visit Shona  (Barnyards). 15.45   I could get to like this sunny weather;  what we need is  a decent spell of this to finally shake of the winter bugs.   As planned I biked up to Kinneuchar to visit Shona but she was out, so I took a few photos of Kinneuchar, then went up the Colinsburgh road as far as

Lovely morrrrrrrrrrning .....

22nd June 2024 (Saturday)    08.00 .... It's a beautiful morning... near enough 'wall to wall' blue sky, with a fresh SW breeze;  a slightly cooler than I expected breeze.   I'm going to visit Alice this morning, and do some shopping.   I still have a lot of the frozen meals that 'JB' and I bought (could be some more surprises there) so it's a lightweight shopping.   I might go out on the bike in the afternoon, but that depends on how busy the roads are. 20.00    It has been a bonnie day of warm sunshine, but a few degrees were taken off the temperature by the unseasonably cool breeze.   A very enjoyable day just the same.   Alice and I did our shopping;  I bought more than I intended but got the car up to the gate so didn't have to carry the messages any distance.   Alice's garden is looking good just now.... and is sheltered , jut like my new patio.    I sat and admired her tiny ants as they busily collected stuff for their nests:  while I was do

Sunny and warm ....

21st June 2024 (Friday)    08.30 .... It's sunny and warm and...... I'm feeling playful!   I'm not going to overdo anything today; the 'plan' is to take a turn round the villages on the bike, to discharge the battery;  then charge it so that I have a full battery for the weekend.   'Slight Flap on' .... it's breakfast time.   15.30   The bike battery is being charged (in fact it might be fully charged by now) after a run 'roond the villages' this morning.   I stopped at Lorraine's to make an appointment to have my haircut (Tuesday at 10.00), then went to the harbour.   From the harbour I biked home by way of South Street, The Ferry High Street and Chapel Green.... with multiple stops to get photographs. I chatted to the men working on the Ferry Road before going home to plug the bike on to charge.... and have lunch.   After lunch I fell sound asleep for an hour.    I'm feeling much better today: I think I must have had some kind o' b

The Summer Solstice ....

20th June 2024 (Thursday)    08.00 .... This is the first day of of summer... and it's looking good. Let's hope it's a decent one;  a decent Summer that is.... not just today!    There's a fair amount of cloud around just now, but the sun should shift burn that off soon.   I have a sheet on the line so need a good drying day! 11.00    I took the car up to Elie to pick up bits and pieces... including my prescription!   And... this is good;   I remembered to get the paper.   I also had a run down to the harbour where I saw the skiffs being made ready to go out.   I have to go up to Elie (this time on the bike) and I'm hoping to get a few photos of the skiffs on the water.   High tide is around 14.30.  I came home by way of Colinsburgh Filling Station. 20.00    'The best laid schemes o' mice and Alberto gang aft agley' right enough!    I had a plan for today that involved the bike:  but I fell sound asleep just after the 11.00 update.... for just over an h
19th June 2024 (Wednesday)     08.30 .... The rain moved away overnight but the sky is overcast, and it's disappointingly cool for this time of year... but it's a nice, quiet start to the day, and the sun should break through by mis morning.  It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the Sommer Solstice (Midsummer's Day);  the day when the sun is at it's highest point in the Northern sky.   It's also officially he first day of Summer;  I've never worked out how the beginning of summer can be on Midsummer's Day, but I believe it has.... but that's how it is.  I hope that summer does start tomorrow!    22.30    This has been a lovely summer's day;    Let's hope it is the start of a proper summer for a change!  The washing dried in 'nae time' and has been ironed:  I still have towels to do but tomorrow is going to be another bonnie day.... so I'm a 'happy boy'.    I had a run up to Chapel Green on the bike about midday by which

Peaceful morning ....

18th June 2024 (Tuesday)    08.30 .... It's a quiet morning, but there's a lot of  cloud around... and 'light rain showers' are forecast.   What hit me first when I went out this morning, was the chilly air;  the Summer Solstice (Midsummer's Day) happens on Thursday..... the air feels like its late October.   Never mind, Midsummer's Day is also the official start of summer;  and we need a decent spell of summer weather!   I'm planning on taking a turn round The Ferry on the bike sometime today; after the air warms up.    12.45   Work is going on apace at the Ferry Road Electricity sub station;   I'll have a daunder up after lunch to have a closer look at the action.   The weather hasn't been too bad so far;  we've one light shower but there could be more to come.   I plan to get out on the bike sometime today ... to flatten the battery, then fully charge it for tomorrow.   I've had a sluggish morning;  however I'm starting to feel liveli

Bonnie morning ....

  17th June 2024 (Monday)    08.00 .... We have a nice morning;  warm in the sunshine, but there are clouds around... and light rain showers are forecast.   I hope the 'light' showers are lighter than yesterdays 'light' showers;  some of which were verging on the deluge kind of shower!    21.00    'JB' is back in 'Sunny Sussex' .... where the weather is much the same as here in 'Sunny Fife'...... but warmer.   We left later than intended but didn't suffer any major holdups and arrived at Kirkcaldy with 7 minutes to spare.   Loads o' time!   I was in 'Major Flap On' mode until we were actually stood staunin' on the platform.    The platform was busy with passengers for the London train;  and it was busy with a big group of school children going out on the next train.    The kids were happy;  they sounded like a huge flock o' Jackdaws after a cat.    I made my way back to the car, then took the Coast Road to Alice's for

Cloudy and warm .....

16th June 2024 (Sunday)     09.00 .... There's a lot of cloud around giving us occasional spells of light rain .... but it's warm, with only a light breeze.   A nice enough morning;  a pity about the rain showers  .... however Sunny spells' are forecast for later in the afternoon   We're going to Morrison's (St Andrews) to do some shopping and have lunch in the Café.  The Sainsbury's Café (Leven) was popular but replaced by Argos.... hence the change to St Andrews this morning.  Maggie and I used to do most of our shopping in Morrison's because of the Café:  she was looking forward to the Sainsbury's Café (Leven) opening, but sadly died before that happened. 19.39    The 'Master Plan' for the day was to do the shopping in Morrison' (St Andrews):  so we ended up at Sainsbury's (Kirkcaldy).   The reason for the change?    I need a new carrier bag for the bike, as the zip broke on present one, so the bag is near enough useless.  Halfords (

Beautiful morrrrrrrrrning .....

15th June 2024 (Saturday)    08.45 .... We have a sunny and warm morning;  one of those balmy, peaceful mornings that make me think of 'summer'.   There's a light breeze, with a few clouds scattered around.... more like the weather we should be getting at this time of year.  Unfortunately, 'Light showers' are forecast for the afternoon.  There could be interesting clouds.  17.00   It has been a beautiful day .... and a perfect drying day!  I'm a happy boy because the washing got a couple of extra rinses yesterday and I left it out overnight, planning to spin it this morning but I forgot;  however I've been lucky.... and it's dry! 'JB' went out to West Bay with the camera this morning:  and, after a cuppa we louped intae the car and had a run to the harbour.  There was much activity at the 'arbour with both the skiffs out.... and  the Water-sports Centre getting organised, for what I imagine will have been  a busy day.   From Elie we went to

Interesting clouds ....

14th June 2024 (Friday)     08.00 .... I have a washing going through the machine, but I'm beginning to think it might not be the best idea I've had this morning:  there's a lot of heavy looking shower clouds around..... and thundery showers are forecast.   On a more positive note.... the clouds might be picturesque! 21.30    We had clouds in abundance.... some of them were picturesque;  unfortunately most of the ones around us brought rain in varying intensity.... mostly heavy.    It was raining when I went up to take a few photographs of Jim Robertson's bench ceremony at Toll Green. Luckily Jackie (Coulthard) was there with her brolly and she kept the rain of me.... and the camera.   I got a good selection of photographs which I will sort out tomorrow, put on a stick and deliver to Steve.  The weather was disappointing but a number of people turned up .... and we all enjoyed a cuppa goodie in the Toll Green Hall. When I got back to Ivy 'JB' was in 'full

Lovely morning .....

13th June 2024 (Thursday)     09.00 .... After a good nights sleep, and long a hot shower this morning, I'm feeling almost 'playful';  and a quiet start to what is going to be (for me) a 'rest day'.   'The Team' are going to the 19th for lunch and, after the activities yesterday, wandering round to the 19th will be my exercise for today. We have a bonnie morning, though there is cloud around and 'light rain' is coming our way later.   I'm glad we got the front of Ivy emulsioned yesterday.  The rhones have to be glossed and the windows painted;  but I'll do that at a more leisurely pace. 21.30   As it was a beautiful morning, and I was feeling almost frisky, I had a short walk up to the golf course to stretch my legs.  The course is looking good and there were a few golfers enjoying it .... the balmy morning.   I photographed my way home by way of Rotten Row.   By the time I'd sorted out the photographs I'd taken it was almost time t

Peaceful morning .....

12th June 2024 (Wednesday)    06.30 ....  Although there's a layer of light cloud, rain isn't mentioned in the forecast, and there's only a light breeze (feels SE just now);  so it's a good day for painting.   I've been 'up' since 05.00 getting the paint, brushes, sheets etc organised and now having a cuppa before moving out to the street.   I'm feeling in the mood... and looking forward to actually using a paint brush again!.... though my main job (at first) will be stood staunin' at the bottom of the ladder.   It will be interesting to find out how I get on;  and how tired I feel at the end of the day.   23.00   I can tell you that I am really tired .... but awfie happy at the job 'JB' and I did today.   JB did most of the high work.... but I managed one bit of  ladder work.  Ivy was badly needing painted and, if the guarantee is right shouldn't need repainting for another 15 years.   By that time I'll be 101 and won't be doin

Cold wind ....

11th June 2024 (Tuesday)     08.00 .... We have a bonnie morning, but there's a cold North Westerly  wind (F3) and it feels more like winter, than ten days short of the Summer Solstice.    It will be warm in the sun when sheltered from the wind;  but not a morning for the beach.  It is a good morning for having my COVID booster;  the air should be slightly warmer in the afternoon, when John and I will be working outside. 11.30   That's COVID booster done for another 6 months;  and I think that's the quickest I have ever been.  The Waiting Room was empty apart from us two ('JB' and me) and three Nurses,.... one Nurse at the desk booking you in, and the other two Nurses at separate 'jabbing room' doors.   Actually that was the hardest bit of all;  choosing which Nurse to do the jabbing.   After a bit of mental 'eenie meenie minee mo' I went to the ... unlucky Nurse, got the jab (didn't feel it), and was on the way out by my official appoint

Lovely morning....

10th June 2024 (Monday)   09.15 .... It's a bright and breezy morning with a fair number of shower clouds around;  light showers are mentioned in the weather forecast for our area.   We should see some bonnie clouds..... and hope that they deposit their innards somewhere else.   The 'plan' is to undercoat the rhone and window sills today.   I must have been really tired last night I didn't get 'up' until 07.45!   It's a long time since I slept that late!  Obviously watching someone else working can be tiring!  14.30    We've had a problem with showers today so we ended up going to B n Q's to buy the paint for the front of Ivy: the paint we bought is guaranteed for 15 years, and get my money back if I'm not satisfied!   (I can think of a slight problem with that!)   Anyway we have the paint, all we need is the weather to be less showery.   And its colder than it should be at this time of year. When we went into B n Q's this bloke came forward

Lovely morrrrrrrning .....

9th June 2024 (Sunday)    08.45 .... After a long night's sleep I'm up and runnin';  no, that's an exaggeration....  moving around like a tired sloth  would be more accurate.   Actually we have a lovely morning, and it's warm in the sun, but cool exposed to the NW breeze (F3).   'JB' has been sighted but he isn't in a state o' high activity.   I've just had a thought;  it should be warm in the sun at this time of the year.... in another two weeks it's the Summer Solstice (Midsummer Day). 23.00    We ('JB' and me) have been busy boys today.   John started his morning by going for a walk to the beach;  and did the same in the evening.   I started sluggishly but gradually built up to thinking about doing something.  After John came back from his morning walk we had another cuppa, and decided to go to Sainsbury's and do some shopping.    'JB' (John) wrote a list while we were having the aforementioned cuppa.... then lost it.

Bright and breezy ....

8th June 2024 (Saturday)     09.30 .... It's a beautiful, bright and breezy, morning.... but it's cool for the time of year.   It will be really warm sheltered from the frisky Westerly wind.    This is 'JB' day and I am organised:  that means I did some 'ooverin'.     'Light rain showers' are forecast and I have put the shower towels out hoping that the showers miss us.   The 'London' train (with JB aboard) arrives in Kirkcaldy around about 15.06:  I'll set off about 10.30!      I suspect my washing might get an extra rinse or two. 21.30    We did had a shower of hail in the middle of the afternoon.... but my washing was just before it hit! I went to Methil to have lunch with Alice then we went to Kirkcaldy to meet 'JB' off the London train.   We arrived at Kirkcaldy half an hour before it (the London train) was due so I got a few photos of activity at Kirkcaldy Station;  including the Edinburgh to Leven train, which picked up a sur

Nice morning .... .....

7th June 2024 (Friday)   07.40 .... There's a lot of cloud about, moving over on a moderate SW breeze, with rain showers mentioned in the weather forecast for KY9;  but in between the showers we'll have sunny spells.   An interesting day ahead.   I'm going to be pottering around Ivy most of the day, but will take 'time out' to circumnavigate 'The Ferry',    Must 'go' .... slight 'Flap On':  tomorrow is 'JB' Day. 10.00   Ye Gods; duvets have a life of their own.   If you put a lead on a duvet, you could take it for a walk.... and; it would probably chase a ball.   I have a 'plan' .... and it disnae involve a lead!   Apart from the duvet, good progress is being made. The duvet cover is in the washing machine; and will be hung out after this wee spell of rain passes over. It goes into a drawer under the bed.   Happy me.   I think I'll have another cuppa before wrestling the duvet into submission ....and well tied up with st

Nice morning .....

6th June 2024 (Thursday)    07.30 .... 80th Anniversary of D-Day.   07.30 .....The wind isn't as boisterous as it was yesterday, though it will  freshen later;  right now it's a quiet morning.   'Light showers' are mentioned in our weather forecast;  hopefully they will miss us.   I've had breakfast and now thinking of going for a turn round the villages on the bike..... after an 'early morning coffee'.   19.00   I enjoyed my run out on the bike... in fact I went further than I intended.   I went along to Elie via South Street and The Terrace, then down to the 'arbour, stopping at my usual viewpoints.   I then intended going home by way of Elie Estate but changed my mind and ended up going along the main road (A917) to the Balbuthie junction and home by way of Kinneuchar.  There was a brisk breeze but nothing like it was yesterday, so it wasn't cold.  I enjoy being on the bike with the camera;  more photographs to 'play' with in the evening

Cold Westerly wind ....

5th June 2023 (Wednesday)    08.15 .... It's a  bonnie morning, but there's definitely a wintry feel to the air, so I haven't been out on the bike.   I'll do  that when the temperature rises;  that said, there's always going to be a serious amount of wind chill today because of the Westerly wind (F3-4).... so I might only go 'roond The Ferry'.   It's going to be cauld on the lugs! 14.15  I went out on the bike about 11.00;  by that time, although still breezy, the air was warmer so not too 'cauld on the lugs'.   I had meant to go further but discovered that I only had two bars left in the battery and that dictated the distance.   I went up Ferry road, along to Grangehill, then down to the 17th tee, and across the golf course.   I stopped at Ivy for a quick cuppa,  then louped onto the bike again, and went to the beach and finally up to Chapel Green.   By that time the battery was near enough empty and is now being charged. 15.30   We've bee

Sunny spells ....

4th June 2024 (Tuesday)     08.45 .... It's bright and breezy (W) just now;  but the weather cam at Lochgelly shows rain so showers might come our way later.   I had thought of going up to Chapel Green after breakfast but I'll do that in the afternoon.... assuming the weather is  'showery with long sunny spells'. 16.00    It has been bonnie but breezy old day, with the occasional  light shower.   The showers should increase in number and intensity; I've just hung out a washing!   I went to Leven to buy a single Duvet and cover... and washed the cover and pillow case.   I went to Methil to have a cuppa with Alice; and get her to help me pick up what I wanted.    The Bawbee Brig has been 'open' for a couple of weeks, but temporary traffic lights were in operation this morning; protecting a team of workmen.   I joined the traffic queue just beyond the Bus Station roundabout:  it took 22 minutes to travel the 50 metres to where light was (just short of the roun

Bright and breezy.....

3rd June 2024 (Monday)    08.00 .... Ferry Road looks like it has been abandoned this morning;  absolutely empty, apart from my car, and nothing nothing happening;  not a single jogger, dog walker.... or 'Road Works' signs.  I'm wondering if politicians are canvassing Elie and Earlsferry today?    I didn't go out on the bike early, but if both villages are as quiet as Ferry Road, I won't have a problem with traffic.  It's a beautiful morrrrrrrrning....'bright and sunny' with a Westerly breeze.   A perfect drying day. 15.00     It is a perfect drying/play day, and I have taken advantage of that and have a downie cover on the line.... and went up to Colinsburgh on the bike.   More or less the same journey as yesterday but in the opposite direction.   I'm still trying to shake off the after effects of that bug I had in March;  hoping that exercising in the sunshine will do the trick.  Tomorrow will be a 'rest day';  they are as important as &#