Windy, wet, and cauld....

1st January 2025 (Wednesday)     10.00 .... I'll begin by wishing all my blog reading friends

"Happy and Healthy New year".   2025 has started wet and windy, in fact it's rather miserable looking, but the rain should begin to move away by 11.00 ... my morning coffee time!   'Blob' and his 'Hedge Sparrow' pal have been fed;  I can now have my breakfast.  

 I saw the New Year in with a glass of 'Jura' and a piece of Marcia's Christmas cake... a perfect start to 2025.  The result of my late night/ early morning? .... I slept 'in'!  Actually when I see the weather I kind of wish I'd slept in for another three hours!    Today's 'plan? .... it all depends on the weather:  but I won't be doing a washing!    This 'wild weather' is the start of a cold spell.... during which we might experience 'wintry precipitation'.   Exciting stuff.  

14.30    The rain has stopped, but we still have an overcast  sky with a moderate Northerly breeze.... so it's cold.   I watched the New Year Concert from Vienna;  a pleasant way to spend a dreich morning.   I then did the vegetables and tautties required for a batch o' 'Cottage Pies' for the freezer.    I've had lunch;  dessert was7 frozen grapes.   I'd never heard of grapes being frozen before but it is a really nice way to eat them.  They're like frozen fruit sweeties;  they are frozen fruit sweeties!  The first I even heard of frozen grapes as a 'nibble' was when Izzy did 'Izzy's Meals on Wheels' for Alice and me on Boxing Day.  I ended my New Years Day lunch with a cup of Izzy's Mulled wine.   I am now well ready for my afternoon catnap.

22.45    After a short catnap I set about making the 'Cottage Pies', mentioned above.   That takes just over an hour, including washing the pans etc, so it was quite late by the time I went out for a short walk up to the golf course.   I met Ian and Gill (Jems' son and daughter in law)coming down Ferry Road;  they had been out for a long walk.  We hadn't seen each other for a while so had a lot to catch up with.  All the 'catching up done, Ian and Gill continued with their walk, and I bumbled my way up to the seat at the 17th green.  At that time the sky was clearing, promising a nice day tomorrow.  It's going to be  "sunny with a moderate breeze.... and cold"!    

I'd planned on taking down the Christmas stuff today but never got round to doing it:  that will be my first job in the morning!   I'm tired after being late in bed last night.   I was out at the bucket earlier and noticed that there's frost on the car roof already.  The sun will shift it quickly enough, but the temperature is never going to be very high all day tomorrow.   Thankfullyl the wind had dropped  so the windchill won't be as bad as it might have been.

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