Nice morning ....

18th January 2025 (Saturday)     09.00 ....  There's a lot of cloud about just now, but 'sunny

intervals with a moderate breeze' is forecast for KY9.   The air feels slightly cooler than it has been of late, but it's still warm for this time of year.  Everything is wet, but it hasn't been raining;  it's just dampness. 

I didn't go down to the beach at sunrise time;  it was a bonnie sunrise, but not spectacular.    I've had breakfast and now need another cuppa.

20.30    The sunny intervals were few, but we did have some brighter spells in an otherwise grey sky.   Most ft the sunshine was along the 'sooth side.  After that cuppa mentioned above, I felt that Alice must be in need of annoying....(and she had been baking biscuits), so  went to Methil.  

The roads busy for a Sunday:  then found out, when I got to Alice's, it was Saturday!   That explained the busy roads.  We had a cuppa, with cake and biscuits;  then went to West Wemyss for a run in the car.  West Wemyss is a bonnie village and we must go there on a bonnie day to walk.... and photograph it.  I'll take the 'hurdy gurdy' .

There was a bonnie light about but a bit misty for the longer range shots.   We only did the East end of the village (St Adrian's Kirk end), and will do the West end (harbour) in the Spring.   Jim and I recorded  the kirk a good few years ago now;  I must find the photos and let you see the inside;  it has a spectacular mural. 

Alice went down onto the beach:  I stayed at the top of the access steps.   It is not a bonnie beach due to the need for rock armour to prevent erosion that is seriously threatening this part of the Fife coast.

I can hardly believe it but my oldest Great Grandson Henry will be one year old tomorrow!   My word how time flies.  I'll put a photo up tomorrow!

22.15    I'm ending the day with a migraine..... and have taken the pills so should have a good night's sleep!    And Sunday is a  'rest' day!    I'll go for the paper then might have a run to the harbour to catch the sunrise (08.29) if the sky looks promising.   I'm off to make a cuppa before bed.

It's good to see that a 'cease fire' is happening in the Middle East .... albeit one with some 'conditions'

attached.   The problem with the world today is that it's awash with weaponry;  and  politicians stupid enough to think using them brings peace. Not a good mix.  We live in worrisome times. 

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