Lovely morning ....

8th January 2025 (Wednesday)     08.30 .... There's a touch of frost, on what is a lovely morning, with a

feel of winter about it. It's cold. 

I have my hearing test today;  I imagine the end result will be a hearing aid.   I'm looking forward to hearing the skeins of geese again! ..... And having normal conversations!

22.30    The hearing test I had today was free;  it's the next one that I pay £50 for.... if my Doctor thinks I need a hearing aid.    The Audiologist that did the test today is going to recommend hearing aids.  She is going to write up the result  of today's test, and send it to me, then I take it up to the Surgery, and the Doctor will make the decision.

When I got to Alice's this morning she appeared to be out, so I went down to Specsavers and picked up my new glasses.  I then went back up to Alice's ,and found out that she had been out in the garden, and didn't hear the doorbell.   She came to the front door just as I was leaving and ran after me but I didn't see her.  Anyway Alice was 'in' when I got back (actually she'd never been out);  and we had a cuppa before going down to Specsavers for the hearing test.    That was followed by lunch in the 'Caley'., and afternoon coffee at Alice's before I bumbled my way home .... after a busy and eventful morning. 

Back at Ivy I topped up the windscreen washers with stronger screen wash as it is going to be seriously cold for the next few days.   It's already frosty tonight.   The main 'plan' for tomorrow is to stay warm.

Although I had the camera with me I didn't take any photos today, so will find a couple from the Alberto Archive.

I'm looking forward to biking through Elie Estate in the Spring!    Today's photos were taken in 2011.

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