Peaceful morrrrrrrrning ....

23rd January 2025 (Thursday)     08.15 .... Sunrise is at 08.24 and it looks like it could be a

bonnie one.   It's a peaceful morning with a lot of cloud and only a light breeze just now, but 'heavy rain with a moderate breeze is forecast' so not a drying day!    It's the calm before 'Storm Eowyn' comes in tomorrow.  Not looking forward to gales and rain!    I'm going to Methil, then onto Thornton with Izzy and Alice to visit Joyce.   Must 'go'....slight Flap On!   Got to have breakfast!

19.30    I had a most enjoyable morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee with Joyce, Alice and Izzy at Joyce's residential HQ in Thornton.   Conversation among a group of friends is one of the most important form of relaxation I can think of... and that is what we had this morning.   I felt that perhaps I should have combed my hair, because the girls always looks pristine pretty!   Me a creep?   Never!   We enjoyed Izzy's scones and Alice's Carrot cake with Joyce's coffee.   My contribution?.... enjoying being in the company of three lovely ladies.   

Fife is included in tomorrow's 'Red Alert' for wind;  not something to look forward to.   They are forecasting gusts of 90 mph or more on the West Coast, and we are to have gusts of 75 mph.... the worst time for us is forecast to be from 11.00 to 16.00.    All we can do is batten everything down, hope everyone is safe, and put the kettle on. 

I see on the news that the evil 'thing', that murdered the three bairns in Southport, has been sentenced to serve at least 52 years in jail.   I'd have have made it 92 just to make sure he never set foot outside a jail again. 

It's all quiet outside just now;  the calm before the storm.   I'm not looking forward to this wind;  in fact I moved the car away from the house in case tiles or slates are dislodged.    Anyway I'm ready for bed after a very enjoyable day.   There's no 'plan' for tomorrow other than stay in, warm and safe out of the wind. 
The barometer has stopped 'falling' ,but I have no doubt it will start doing that again.... soon.

The top photo is sunrise this morning..... it's the only photo I took today.

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