Bonnie, frosty morning .....

3rd January 2025 (Friday)    09.00 .... It's a lovely morning, but frosty,  and the pavements are

Icy pavement.
slippery!    Be careful.   I'll go for a short walk once the sun has warmed the air up and the pavements safe to walk on.   At the moment the only exercise I'm thinking about is pressing the kettle button!   'Sunny with a moderate breeze' is our weather for today,..... and cold. 
22..00    Although cold it has been a bonnie day;  I don't think the frost lifted in the shade;  but it was reasonably warm in the sun with only a light breeze.   There was a bonnie late afternoon light about so I had fun with the camera.

I went for a 'walk' up to th e golf course, then feeling good I made my way up to the Pony field to have a look at the work being done around the third tee area.   It wasn't easy going down to the temporary Ladies third tee but I got there.   A lot of people  were out enjoying the sun.

Back at Ivy I downloaded the photos then sorted them out, before settling down to watch Dan Snow in a documentary about the 'Terracotta Army' (China).  Actually I also caught the end of his documentary about 'Stonehenge' which was 'on' immediately before the Terracotta Army.    So I had a lazy but enjoyable .... and educational end, to my afternoon.

We're to have 'sunny intervals with a moderate' breeze tomorrow, so much the same as today's weather.   It might be breezier so more in the way of wind-chill.   I to stay in most of the time, but, like today, I'll have a short walk in the middle of the day.

23.30    This is a late night for me after watching 'New Tricks'!    I'm tired now.... might have a 'sleep in' tomorrow morning.   Especially if it's cold.

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