Bonnie, frosty morrrrrrrrrning .....

11th January 2025 (Saturday)    09.30 ....It's a lovely, bright sunny and frosty, morrrrrrrrrrning; 

a morning for walking.  It has been the coldest night of the winter (so far) up in the Northwest Highlands (Altnaharra -18.7C).   We were only -2C.   It's going to be another cold day, but with only a light breeze walking dogs will be very enjoyable.... and could feel warm in the sun.   I might try for the beach in the middle part of the day.

11.45   After scraping the car windscreen I decided to go to St Minnins to warm up the car (the squirters were frozen).   At St Minnins I had a walk out on the Middle pier, took a load of photographs to 'play' with, then came home by way of Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar.   The Balbuthie road had patches of black ice  so I was extra careful.   And there's a bank of fog along the 'sooth side' and  towards Kirkcaldy;  which the sun might shift.

17.15    The sun lost out to the fog  in the early part of the afternoon; but it has drifted back and the sky is looking brighter again.   Well it was until the sunset.   This meant a day of two halves for me.   In the morning I was enjoying a walk in the sunshine, out on the Middle pier at St Minnins:  once the fog came in I had to stay in;  and spent most of the afternoon cat napping.   However, I am at 'full alert' again, and look forward

to the warmer weather that is forecast to begin arriving tomorrow.  The temperature is forecast to be in double figures on Monday:  unfortunately cloudy .... but warm.

22.15   There's already a bit of frost on the car so it looks like another morning scraping the windscreen.  I've enjoyed today;  but will be happy when this cold spell is past.
I have no plan for tomorrow apart from go for the paper.   What I do  depends on how the weather is at  the time.
I'm watching 'Vera' on the TV and typing this during the adverts.  I'll make the 'Horlicks during the next break!

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