Cloudy and damp ....
22nd January 2024 (Wednesday) 08.45 .... It's a dull damp (spitting rain when I was feeding
'Blob') and cauld morning; I don't think I'll be going far from the front gate today.... but I might take the car up to Chapel Green, if the sky brightens up; but sunshine isn't mentioned in the forecast. Anyway, I have loads to do on the computer, so it is likely to be a 'rest and work on the computer day' for me!18.45 I took some time out from watching indoor bowls to go for a short walk up to the golf course, on what has been a day of, grey and uninspiring weather. The workmen have been working on Ferry Road putting a new new electricity cable in. They dug a big bit of the trench last summer into which they buries heavy duty plastic piping to take the electric cable. Pulling, and shoving, the cable through the piping is what they were doing today.
Understandably the golf course was quiet this afternoon; luckily there was only a light breeze when I was up there, so not as cols as it would have been with wind chill. I only went as far as the seat at the 17th green.... and managed to get a few photos to play with. Not the bonniest of days for the camera but at least I got some fresh air.
We're on the Northern edge of n Amber Warning for wind on Friday; Wind and rain, so not a day to look forward to. Rain with a SW gale will not be nice.