Cloudy .....

29th January 2025 (Wednesday)    08.45 .... We're under a layer of fairly heavy cloud just now,

but we should have sunny spells by morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee time.   There's a light breeze so there is some wind chill:  however I need a breeze because I am going to hang out a washing!    I am excited about going up to Auchnagatt for a few days, and to meeting Great Grandson 'Sorley' for the first time.   I have yet to feed 'Blob'.... and have my own breakfast.   I slept 'in'!  

09.30   I've just been into my 'Inbox' and found an email, from Neil to let me know that he'd put a temporary fix at th rhone.   I never heard a him at any time, and I don't think I was out.  "Thank You" so much Neil;  I'll phone Scott and get him to sort both ridge and rhone.   (And I've been told I don't need a hearing aid)!   I need an early morning coffee!

16.15     It has been a bonnie day after the initial damp spell first thing.   That reminds me I have a washing to bring in;   I'll do that right now.   "Back in 5".   I'm back... and the washing, though not totally dry is drier than I thought would be.   And.... it's cold.   I wouldn't be surprised if the temperature went down to near freezing tonight.   Anyway the washing is in and will be ironed this evening.

I had a walk up to the golf course earlier;  I was making for the seat at the 17th green but its away being varnished.   However I enjoyed my first 'walk' in a while;  and there were one or two groups on the course.    It was a bonnie afternoon for a game of golf.

The workmen have been reinstating Ferry Road and  Ferry High Street, so we might be clear of roadworks, and the temporary traffic lights, by the weekend. 

21.30    Iain will arrive at Ivy about 09.30  and will have time to see what needs to be done.   That said, Neil has done the temporary repair, all I have to do is phone Scott when I get back from Auchnagatt.

It was great getting out once again, even though only for a short wander.   The air, though cool,  was dry;  damp air is not good!    Fair enjoyed that wee bit o' exercise.

I see that Heathrow is getting it's (controversial) third runway.   I suppose, if nothing else. it will concentrate the pollution in the Southeast; good for us but not so good for the people living there.  I like the Southeast.... especially 'sunny Sussex'., and don't want it polluted!   Of course there is one slight bonus;  there will be loads of low flying aircraft to take photographs of!

I shall now make the bedtime 'orlicks the get my hold all and travelling bag organised to pack first

thing  tomorrow morning.   Everything is ready to go .... except the laptop. That will be unplugged after Iain arrives.

It is cool out tonight, but not frosty., Frost is mentioned in the forecast for tomorrow morning up at Auchnagatt,  but I don't think it is supposed bother us very much.

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